Chapter 3 (Epic)

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Ray's POV

  I stood in the doorway, looking at the name literally burned into my hand. Ryan Haywood,huh? I rolled my eyes as I shoved my hands into my pockets on my jacket. "Bastards could've just written it in marker," I mumbled as the fabric irritated my hand. I was in what was called the 'Rooster Teeth' building, somewhere in Texas. At the front desk I had asked for a Ryan Haywood, even though there was a really annoying-as-fuck glowing light that I was pretty sure was him. The kind lady smiled at me as she gave me instructions to the 'Achivement Hunter office'. I had gone up there, the light brighter and brighter, glowing through the walls. 

  Now I stood at the door, lingering and hesitant. "Please don't let this fucker be one of those creepy bearded guys," I muttered as I knocked on the door. There was an angry British voice yelling down the hall but the door opened it, distracting me. A large guy stood there, towering over me. His sandy blond hair fell over his eyes as he looked down at me. I realized if I focused, I could hear his thoughts. The light was definitely coming from him and I paused, listening to his mind.

  He's really cute.

  My face heated up as I immediately blocked his thoughts. It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me. "Hello?" he asked, confused as he raised an eyebrow at me. "Who are you?" he asked, looking down at me. I paused, thinking up of a good reason as to my being here. "Uh... are you Ryan Haywood?" I asked hesitantly. He slowly nodded, still confused as he glanced back in the room. Someone inside was crying and I kept looking up at Ryan, my mind racing but coming up blank. With nothing else to do, I turned and ran, leaving Ryan confused and worried. 

  I left the building. Luckily I actually recognized some places as I wandered around the city, and I realized where I was. Austin, Texas. I lived around here, actually, pretty close to my apartment was where I was. That was probably on purpose, I thought to myself as I jogged to my apartment. I need to come up with a plan. How could I get close to Ryan and keep him from killing himself for a year? Hm... I couldn't honestly come up with anything. I guess I could try to befriend him, but how? I thought back to the Rooster Teeth building, to the sign that I had seen posted in the front.

  Help Wanted.

  I could get a job there.

AN short as fuck like your dick. I don't give a FWACK by this point.

My Angel (RnRconnection + Mavin) Collab with (epichatt) Gab_The_GreatWhere stories live. Discover now