Chapter 1 (Epic)

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Chapter 1

  Hey there. My name is Ray. I've... I've never actually had to talk about myself, mainly because nobody would really listen to me. Hm, let's see... I'm 24 years old, some people used to call me the Puerto Rican Thunder because of my race and oh yeah, the most important fact right now.

  I'm kinda fucking dead.

  A while back, maybe a few months ago- I don't really know to be honest time flies when you're in Hell- I got fired from my job. That was the start of it. My girlfriend cheated on me right under my own fucking roof, money began to run low and nobody would help me. So I did what any sane person would do if that happened to them.

  I killed myself.

  Straight up slit my own wrists. It took a while before I died, I remember all that shit. But what nobody bothered to tell me is that you actually have to work your way out of Hell and shit before you go and live carefree and in paradise. It didn't help that I ended my own life. 

  Today was just another average day in Hell- people screaming in agony, little devils keeping up the pain, et fucking cetera. What had surprised me was someone knocking on my door. I sat up from hanging out on my bed- even though we're dead and can't sleep, which is bullshit in my opinion- and walked towards the door. "Hello?" I asked slowly, uncertain of who would actually talk to me.

  One of those stupid and ugly devils stood at the door, hands in his pockets, little pointed horns poking out of his forehead distinguishing him from a regular spirit. He checked a paper he had, frowning back at me. "Are you Ray Navarez Jr?" he asked.

  I pointed at the nametag next to my door. "No, I'm Jeffery Thompson," I replied sarcastically. The demon sighed, ignoring my remark. "There's a deal for you to get out of this hellhole," he muttered as he threw a paper at my feet. "Don't fuck it up, someone paid a lot of money for this to get to you." I nodded as he left.

  Closing the door, I picked up the paper, seeing it was some sort of contract. On the side someone had written 'don't fuck up ray'. I smirked as I read over the paper, curious. I'm not gonna repeat what it said, because fuck that, but in summary it said that I had to keep some douchebag from killing himself for a year and I could get out. Below was a line for me to sign. I fumbled around my room, looking for a pen before finding one.

  "YOLO," I muttered as I signed it. "Anything to get me out of this hell." As soon as I finished signing the paper vanished into thin air. "What the fuck?" I muttered as my body began tingling. I looked around my room in alarm to see it was slowly fading away. I couldn't see anything soon, and a light blinded me.

  I woke up on a street, my head hurting. "Fuck."

My Angel (RnRconnection + Mavin) Collab with (epichatt) Gab_The_GreatWhere stories live. Discover now