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They are always there.

They get a DT at least once a week, normally more.

And the thing they bothers you most?

They don't care that they have all those DT's. They could care less about their records They could care less about college. They don't care about any of it. They never did. Detention to them is like a day at the movies for you. They are there every weekend. Detention is their second home. I don't know how they do it. I don't know why. It's not like there is a record to break in the yearbook for most DT's during your high school career. And if there is, the congratulations!! You've already won. There's nothing good out of that many detentions. Although, when has there ever?

It doesn't make you cool. It doesn't make you look badass. I mean, technically it does, but not in a good way. All it does is make you look stupid for never having your homework done. It makes you look guilty when you always arrive to class late without a pass. It makes you look like you are unable to control yourself. And maybe you are. But when you regret not going to college, it is going to be hard to find a job. When they see all those DT's and the fact that you didn't go to college, it isn't going to look good. Ultimately, it's going to make you look like a joke.

Don't sit by them in class. That's one of the first rules to high school. It doesn't matter who you are. You sit next to the DT magnet and you just screwed yourself over for the rest of the school year. . If he is talking, you are talking. If he isn't paying attention, you aren't paying attention. If he didn't do his homework at all, you didn't do yours well enough. No matter where you sit for the rest of the year, no matter how much butt you kiss, no matter how many questions you answer correctly, you are forever on that teacher's bad side. It doesn't matter where you sit for the rest of the year. If you so much as ask for a pencil from the DT magnet, you are forever on the teacher's watch list. If you look at him for more than a second, you are on the watch list. From that point on, nothing you do matters. You associated with the magnet, the main target. And in the teacher's eyes,

That makes you one too. 


Very short blog update, but I had a very busy night.  I didn't have free time until like 6:30 :( Sadly, I also won't have a regular chapter up tonight either. I don't want to end it where I have it and I'm too tired to complete it. So, that means I'll get it posted tomorrow. 

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