Detroit Man & Mike

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[Camera goes to one of the cafés at the park showing all the guys hanging out while a few couples are either making out, or fighting]

Mason- So as we were leaving, we see Parker having a rap battle with you two!

*Everyone but Parker bursts into laughter*

Parker- What...?

Mike- Maaaane dis boy got some rhymes lemme tell ya *laughs*

Detroit Man- Scuse me, but why didn't you tell us yall comin up here, we got da hookup and such.

Isaac- Damn, D-Man, you right!

*pulls out blunts* you guys wanna get high?

Chase- No, thanks.

Mason- Shit, dawg you don't have to ask me twice! *takes blunt* Light me up.

Chase- Since when are you a stoner?

Mason- What'd you think I did in college, cure cancer?

Mason- *smokes blunt*

Mike- Awww shit they fuckin at the bar now, EY EY EY TAKE THAT SHIT SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!

Parker- So why haven't you all tried to leave this place yet? You guys could be dead by now.

Mike- Nah dawg we hood niggas.

Isaac- We don't take any shit from this fuckery.

Mason- Shit, you said it, man.

Parker- How's Chase Henderson doing?

Detroit Man- Numba 2??

Mike- The football player??

Detroit Man- Shiiiet hahahah. Keep this this on the down low but...he's actually head of this secret intelligence agency or some shit.

Parker- Wow
Chase- Who knew
Mason- Im high. *Giggles*

Chase- By the way, you happen to know why these...terrorists..are trying to kill us? How do we even get out of here?

Mike- Bruhhhh...

Isaac- Well....*pulls out map of the park*

Detroit Man- See this tower right here?

Mason- HAH that's a ween peen!!

Isaac- Shit, nigga, would you stop drawin dicks on everything?!

Detroit Man- 4 will need to reach the top of this skyscraper in order to go back home. That reminds me, did any of you happen to drop a pair of glasses?

*The boys look at each other confused*

Detroit Man- That's quite alright. I understand you want to put a stop to this madness as much as us so *pulls out glasses* I designed these glasses to detect any kind of threat we're looking for. Luckily, I have enough for all of us.

*D-Man hands the boys the glasses. The boys then try them.*

Chase- Dude.
Parker- Whoooooaaaa.

Detroit Man- I take it they work.

Chase- Yeah, thanks man.

Detroit Man- Unfortunately we must leave. You and your friends must do this on your own.

Parker- Wait, where are you guys going?? I thought you all were gonna help us get.

Isaac- Dude, we are!

Mike- Man we got our own shit to take care of.

Mason- Umm what the fuck?

Detroit Man- Yall watch ya back, now!

*Detroit Man, Mike, and Isaac leave the restaurant*

Chase- Alright now we gotta set up a plan if were gonna- - Mason get back over here!

(Camera shows Mason having a threesome with one of the couples at the bar)

Mason- OH heY hEEEEYYYYYyyy sOrRy hahahaHA

*Mason pushes couple out of the way and returns to squad as they leave the restaurant*

Parker- Hey has anyone seen Garrett?

*Garrett enter the scene*

Garrett- Sup.

Chase- Where the hell have you been?

Garrett- I was just....outside. Is that a problem?

Mason- Are you retarded, kid?? There's terrorists trying to kill us and all you wanna do is "go outside"??

Chase- Dude, calm down, you're getting really hostile.

Mason- WHAT?!?...Oh yeah, I am. *giggles*

Parker- Wait what?

Chase- *Sigh* Alright. Just please stick with us, we can't afford to lose another person.

Garrett- Alright. No worries.

*Mason stares down Garrett as The gang leaves the restaurant*

Mason- NOW, we goin outside, nigga!

<end Scene 14>

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