Dancin in the Weez

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(Camera goes to show Mason and Chase standing together alone in their slutty outfits waiting for Maw Weez)

Chase- Where you think she is?

Mason- How am I supposed to know? Its your fuckin grandma!

Maw Weez- Ch3$$ Im baaaaaaack! Im just keeding Ive been here dis whole time. *smiles and pulls out a gun and points it at Chase and Mason* Now dance.

Mason- To what, Slayer??

Chase- *To himself* Please just shoot me already..

Maw Weez- No, Ch3$$, IM in charge now. You and your frend do wat I say...or you die. Now, you, make my grandson happy!

Mason- *looks at Maw Weez confused for assurance* Me? Alright, Im gonna need a sound system, some Batman comics, and a bottle of lotion and that should do the tri--*bullets fly past Mason*

Maw Weez- You stalling!! You dance or you die!

*Laffy Taffy starts playing over speakers*

Mason- Oh hey, I can fuck with this! *starts dancing*

Maw Weez- Yes! Now, you, put your hands around your friend's hips!

Chase- Uhhh.....

Maw Weez- CHAZZY WAZZY! You do vat I say!

Chase- Alright...

*Chase puts his hands around Mason's waist from behind*

Mason- *enthusiastically* Oooh, Chazzy, what a strong grip!

Chase- Dude, stop making this weird for me..

Maw Weez- *laughs gleefully* Now, you, smack my grandson's ass!

*Mason and Chase look at each other very shocked then look at Maw Weez as shes smiling*

(Camera goes to Garrett still tied up as he hangs his head with disappointment as hes watching Mason and Chase through a tv screen)

Garrett- Oh boy...

(Camera goes back to Mason and Chase)

*Mason pretends to smack Chase's ass*

Chase- *whispering* Dude...did you even do anything?

Mason- *whispering* No...not really

Maw Weez- I saw daaaaat!

*A Hobbitt Boy walks up next to Maw Weez and lifts his shirt up for Mason and Chase.*

Maw Weez- Stop dat! *zaps Hobbitt Boy with lightning* You had your chance when you were steel Caitlyn!

Mason- *panicked* Okay okay okay, I'll smack his ass!

*Mason begins smacking Chase's ass*

Chase- Im getting you back that...

Mason- Im sorry, I dont wanna die, okay??

*as Mason delivers the final ass smack, the doors blow open from a small explosion. Tripp, Parker, Mr. H and his crew run in to the rescue*

Chase Henderson- Wazzup Auntie M!! I believe those are OUR friends you're harrassing.

Maw Weez- Sheet, its an amboosh! Keel da friends!

*The Hobbit Boys and Chase H's crew begin shooting at each other while Parker and Tripp run to Mason and Chase. Parker hugs Mason, then hugs Chase.*

Parker- *looks at Tripp and gasps* Get em!

*Mason and Parker begin viciously tickling Tripp*

Chase- Guys, stop, we gotta go!

Mason- Why are you alive??

Tripp- Why are you a girl??

Mason- Yeah, long story, tell ya later!

*the boys all run to the back of the restaurant/club to rescue Garrett*

Chase H- *while shooting Hobbitt Boys with his blaster* Mane this bitch crazier than my REAL auntie!

(Camera goes to back of restaurant where Garrett is being held as the boys run in)

Parker- Were gettin out of here, dude!

*Parker picks up Garrett off the ground. The boys all run out of the restaurant as the shootout continues inside*

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