Chapter 6: The Love, The Memories

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I was up for the rest of the night just like always. At 9 I got up to get ready for work. I had to be there at 10. I got dressed quickly and put on a bit of makeup. I drove to Starbucks feeling quite drowsy. I got my coffee and went back to my car to drive to work.

"Hey, Maria," Lilly called from behind the counter. She gave me her large signature smile and waved happily. To put it lightly, Lilly was a morning person.

"Hey," I replied smiling back. I put on my blue Bath And Body Works apron and waited for customers. Not many people needed lotion at 10 AM, so business was slow.

Lilly and I chatted for over an hour until the bell on the door dang over the music. We both looked up kind of shocked since it was even 12:00 on a Monday. In walked a guy with loads of tattoos and piercings. I smiled when I saw who it was. I walked over to him excitedly. I couldn't believe he had remembered where I worked. 

"Hey," I greeted still smiling. He smiled back and looked around as if he had never seen the store, which I was guessing he hadn't. I mean, we sold men scents, but not many men ever came in here to buy them. 

"Hi. I thought you might be getting a break for lunch soon or something," he stammered quite nervously. I was pretty sure this was his way of asking me if I wanted to grab lunch with him. 

"Um, yeah. I get off at 12:30," I informed him. I glanced at the time on my phone. It was just about 12 now. "You can hang out here until I get off if you want. We don't really get many customers this time of day anyway," I added hoping that he would stay.

"That sounds cool," he told me the smile returning to his face. I started walking back towards Lilly and he followed me. He looked so out of place with all the floral scents and the pink lanterns that we had hanging from the ceiling. 

"So, you've met Chris, now you need to meet Lilly," I commanded walking towards my best friend.

"Ok," he murmured nervously. I could only imagine what he envisioned Lilly to be like since Chris seemed to have freaked him out with all his questions.

"Lilly, this is Cory," I introduced. I hadn't told Lilly about Cory. I hadn't seen her since my first run-in with Cory and I had been kind of busy so it never crossed my mind to text her.

"Hi," Cory greeted quietly. He stuffed his hands in his pockets. Today he was wearing a gray tank top that said Of Mice & Men in white lettering on the front and had a big & sign on the back, skinny jeans, and black sneakers. I was guessing black sneakers were an everyday thing with him. 

"So, how do you guys... um .... know each other," Lilly questioned. Lilly was kind of judgmental. I was lucky she was friends with me considering I had tons of tattoos and a piercing myself. I could tell she was holding back a disgusted face.

"We met at the music store," I informed her and continued to add a few details about the event. She nodded as I spoke and a small smile crept up on her face. I could tell she was thinking the same thing as Chris: Maria's got a boyfriend! Lilly was kind enough though to not break out in a cheer and a happy dance at the moment.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Cory, but it looks like it's Maria's lunch time, so you two have fun," she told us giving me a wink as if to imply something, though to imply what I had no idea. I glanced at the time on my phone and sure enough it was 12:29. I pulled my apron over my head and hung it on one of the hooks that were on the wall in the back.

As we walked out, Lilly again shouted, "Have fun." It was as if she didn't know how to act around guys all of a sudden even though she could easily pick up guys in an instant.

We walked over to the food court. I always get pizza since I'm a vegetarian and our mall food court wasn't very vegetarian friendly. We sat down with our food, him with 2 slices with so much pepperoni that I almost barfed and me with 2 pieces of mushroom.

"Shouldn’t you be recording an album?” I teased as I bit into my pizza. He smiled as he chewed his own food. Innerly, I was so glad he wasn’t recording an album at the moment that I was about to threw a party.

“The drums are always first, so I’ve been done my part for awhile. I don’t really have to be in the studio unless I want to and today I wanted to eat lunch with you,” he responded. I realized that this meant he could eat lunch with me more often; at least until he had to go on tour.

“That’s nice. Does that mean your usually free?” I asked hoping he said yes. I was suddenly look forward to spending a lot more time with him.

“Yep. All Day, every day,” he replied still smiling. He sipped his soda. I couldn’t help but smile back at him. He was so damn cute and he was mine for a while.

We talked and laugh during the rest of my lunch time. Even after we were done eating, we stayed in the food court just talking until it was 1 o’clock and time for me to get back to work.

He walked me back to the store. We stood outside for a few moments. Neither of use wanted to say goodbye just yet; I could tell by the look in his eyes. “Do you want to go do something tonight after your done work?” he asked looking nervous again.

“Sure, that sounds nice. Pick me up at 7,” I told him and he nodded. I was about to tell him goodbye until I saw him leaning in. The butterflies in my stomach came back again. It didn’t matter that he had kissed me last night, it still felt so new to me. I felt his lips on mine and the same bliss from last night return. Neither us wanted to let go until the door to the store was opened and Lilly came walking out.

“Come on Maria. I need to take my lunch, too,” she told me. Lilly took her lunch when I came back from mine. My cheeks went so hot that I felt like I was on fire and Cory’s face looked just as red as mine felt. Lilly was grinning that same smile from before. 

Cory said his goodbyes and then Lilly dragged me back into the store. “Now tell me all the details,” she commanded still grinning. I grinned back and started in the story.

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