Epilogue: You're What I Need

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~6 Years Later~

“Ok, guys. Let’s go back to our desks and work on our reading packets,” I told my first grade class. After much hard work, I had finally gotten a job teaching about 4 years ago and I couldn’t be happier. I loved teaching six and seven year olds how to read. It beats selling lotion that’s for sure.

The kids all obeyed. I had to say I had a pretty good class. There was really only one kid, James, that I wanted to kill sometimes. I went to the front of the room and was about to tell them which pages to work on when there was a knock on the brightly decorated door. I looked over to see a guy with shoulder length brown hair, loads of tattoos and piercings, and stretched earlobes look through the glass window. A huge smile spread across my face. Cory wasn’t suppose to be home for another two weeks, but there he was standing outside my classroom. I gestured for him to come in and he entered. I walked, well practically ran, up to him and gave him a quick hug.

“You’re not suppose to be home yet,” I told him breathing in his familiar sent. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but not in front of eighteen seven-year-olds. I hadn’t seen him in over a month.

“We had a few days off so I decided to fly out and surprise you. I wasn’t sure if it would be ok if I came here, though, but I really wanted to see you, so I did anyway,” he explained. He looked down with love in his eyes. “And I just love these stickers,” he added jokingly. He gestured to the name tag on his black tank top. I chuckled. The visitor stickers they gave out were so cheap that they didn’t even stick after about an hour.

“Who’s that?” I heard James ask from behind me. He had a hint of rudeness in his voice which made me want to hurt the kid, but of course I couldn’t.

“Everyone, this is...um... Mr. La Quay,” I announced as he put an arm around me. He smiled at my class. He had never been to my school before and had never met any of my classes.

“Why’s he here?” James asked even more rudely. That kid got all my nerves, but it was just part of the job. Each year there was one kid who was worse than the rest.

“He wanted to...meet you guys,” I answered. It was kind of a lie, but if I said he wanted to see me there would be the question of why and I wasn’t in the mood to answer anymore of James’ question.

I grabbed my lesson book to figure out what pages I had planned on them working on today. “Ok, you guys have until pack up time to work on pages nine and ten in your reading packets. If you don’t finish you guys can work on it at home,” I told them. It was 2:55, which meant thirty five minutes till the end of the day and they packed up at 3:15 so they could catch their buses.

We spend the next twenty minutes whispering in the back of the room. He filled me in on the school appropriate aspects of tour and told him what was going on here. 3:15 came way to fast. I helped the kids pack up and they were on their way as soon as their bus was called. Soon, it was just him and me. I packed up my stuff. I had to stay until four even though the kids were gone. It was a stupid rule, but I abided it anyway.

“I’m glad you got to see them. Their so cute, aren’t they?” I said as I put my lesson plans for the next day in my bag.

“Yeah, they are,” he responded walking over and putting his arms around my waist. It felt like he hadn’t touched me in forever.

“When do you go back?” I asked reluctantly shrugging him off. I didn’t want him to get off of me, but I didn’t want the principal to walk in and think I was spending time with my boyfriend instead of teaching kids even if it was just him and me.

“Friday morning,” he answered. It was Tuesday so that meant he would be here for two days. It wasn’t a lot, but I pretty much took what I could get. I nodded.

As soon as four o’clock came, we were out of there. We went home for a little bit and just hung out. I had moved into his apartment awhile ago. He finished telling me about tour and how the other guys were. The rest of the band and I had become pretty good friends over the years.

“You wanna go somewhere for dinner?” he asked when it was about six o’clock. I agreed and we got in the car. We decided on one of our favorite restaurants, which had lots of vegetarian options for me.

After we ate, we got back in the car, but he didn’t head home. I knew where he was going. If we went out for dinner and it was dark out when we where done, we usually headed for the field and ended up looking at the stars if we could or just talking. It had become kind of like a tradition for us and since we lived in California, it was rarely too cold to sit outside.

As soon as we got to the field, we climbed out of the car. I took one of his hands in mine. They felt a lot more sweaty then normally, but I didn’t really mind. All that mattered was the he was here with me. We walked in the middle of the field and looked up. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, which made it a perfect night for looking at the stars. I smiled at the beautiful sky and felt Cory slip his hand out of mine. When I over at him to see why he had stopped holding me hand, he was bent down on one knee. What the hell is he doing? was the first thought that popped into me head. I slowly realized what was happening as he pulled a small black box from the pocket of his jeans. He flipped it open and even though I knew what was coming, I still let out a little gasp.

“Will you marry me, Maria?” he asked with the cutest little smile on his face. I felt tears coming to my eyes, but I blinked them back.

“Of course,” I answered. There was no way in the world that I would have said no. I loved Cory with all my heart and I knew the feeling was mutual. He had helped me through so much, too. I knew that he was the only person that I would ever want to spend the rest of my life with.

I tackled him in a hug and we fell back on the grass laughing. We sat up and he slipped the ring on my finger. Everything felt so right; so perfect.

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