Chapter 7: I'll Keep You Close To Me

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A few weeks past and everything was going great with Cory. Chris hadn’t scared him off yet and he seemed really into me. We were going on dates practically every night. I looked forward to his texts everyday. I was finally starting to be happy for the first time in a long time. I was so happy that I wasn’t sure how to handle it. 

One day I got a texted from him saying that he had something special planned for tonight and that he’d pick me up at 6:30 after my shift. I was half excited and half nervous. I had no idea what his plans were and I wasn’t 100% sure I wanted to know.

He picked me up at right on time. He had always been really good about being on time. I had changed into a purple v-neck, jeans, and purple sandals after work and was ready for this “something special.” When he arrived, we got in his car and he started to drive.

“How was work?” he asked curiously. He asked me this almost everyday. I wasn’t sure if he asked this because he didn’t know what else to say or because he really cared. Either way, at least he was taking an interest.

“Pretty good. We weren’t that busy as always,” I responded. “How was your day?” I questioned. His day was way more interesting than mine to say the least. He got to spend the day making music while I sold lotion to people.

“Cameron finished mixing some more of the songs. They sound great. I can’t wait for you to hear them,” he replied. Cameron was their producer for this album. From what I heard so far, his mixes where amazing. I could see why they had went with him.

A few minutes later, he stopped the car in front of a familiar field. It was where he had taken me on our first date, but this time a picnic blanket was spread out on the grass accompanied by a basket and a bunch of candles. The whole scene looked like something from out of a movie.

“You didn’t,” I exclaimed as I climbed out of the car. I looked around taking it all in. I couldn’t believe he had put this all together. He seemed to be just full of surprises.

“Oh, but I did,” he replied with that grin on his face. He looked even more handsome in this lighting, which I didn’t think was possible. 

He took me by the hand and led me to the middle of the blanket. He sat down and I sat down next to him. He reached over to the basket and pulled some food. He handed me a sandwich that looked to be turkey. “Don’t worry. It’s tofu. I wasn’t sure which kind to get, though...” he told me trailing off when he saw me look at the food. I smiled at his thoughtfulness. I’m not sure that most guys would have went to the store special to get their girlfriends tofu turkey.

“It sounds lovely,” I told him. I reached over to kiss him before he continued to pull out food.

“These are your favorite, right?” he asked pulling out a big bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. He really had thought of everything.

“Yes!” I exclaimed before he ripped the bag open. Between the tofu turkey and the Doritos, I was one happy girl. Ok, so it didn’t take much to make me happy, but I think I might have had the best boyfriend ever.

We talk all through dinner. I loved talking to Cory. I had a tendency to ramble on a lot and most people ended up tuning me out, but not Cory. He actually seemed to like listening to me. He listened intently to every word I said and I really liked that. It felt really nice to have someone just listen.

I was finally quiet after we finished our sandwiches. I reached my hand into the bag of Doritos and chewed silently.

“Maria,” he finally said breaking the silence. I turned to look at him. He had a very serious look on his face which kind of scared me. I had finally let someone in and now he was going to crush my heart, I thought. But, then a tiny voice in my head reminded me that he put this picnic dinner together for me and I started to calm down.

“I love you,” he told me suddenly. Most girls would have been thrilled, but my mind was racing. No guy had ever told me they loved me. Everyone who had told me they loved me was gone. I was suddenly thinking about my mom and how that man had claimed to love her and he was the one who ended her.

“I love you, too,” I heard myself say. It wasn’t that I didn’t love him it was just that I was scared to love him; scared to admit it. I kept telling myself that Cory was different and not every guy was the same, but it was hard to believe when I had witnessed so much.

I tried to push these thoughts out of my head. I was being too negative, Chris would say. I tried convincing myself that I wouldn’t end up like my mom, but I just couldn’t.

Suddenly, he was leaning eyes closed just like the first time he kissed me. I found myself kissing back. He kissed so soft and gentle like he knew I needed to take things slow. I felt his tongue against my lips asking for entrance. I opened my mouth a bit to let it in and we made out for a while. I felt him pull us down onto the blanket. We kissed for a few moments until he pulled away. He was still so close that I could feel my breath on my face. I moved my head down to his chest before he could kiss me again. I wasn’t ready for sex or anything even close to it. We laid there looking up at the stars just like our first date. It felt nice just like before.

He bent his head a bit and I felt him kiss my head. “I love you,” he repeated this time in a whisper.

I felt myself smile. I liked the way it sounded. “I love you, too, Cory,” I replied and we spend the next few hours just talking and looking at the beautiful night sky.

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