Chapter 12: Back Together

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“You ready to go?” Chris asked about a month later. Cory had gotten me, Chris, Matt, and Lilly all access passes for their home show and we were just about to leave. I was so excited to finally see him again. We had texted everyday and called each other as much as possible, but it wasn’t the same as face to face contact.

“Yep,” I replied running out of my room. I had decided on my A Skylit Drive tank top that I had ordered online, skinny jeans, and my combat boots. I looked good, if I do say so myself.

We all ran outside and piled in the car. I had told Cory we would be there as early as we could, but with work we ended up only being a half hour early. I pulled out my phone to tell him that we were on our way. The drive seemed to take forever. I was trying to be patient, but it was hard. 

As soon as we arrived at the venue, We got out and flashed the security guys our passes and headed in. The bands was loading their things onto the stage. I didn’t see ASD at first and thought they might be in their bus, but then I felt arms around my waist. It was either a creepy pervert or Cory.

“I love your shirt,” he whispered into my ear. I turned around to see my handsome boyfriend’s face staring back at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips. I had never been more excited to see someone in my life.

“I missed you so much,” I told him. He looked just the same as he did a month ago. He leaned down to kiss me again. I had almost forgotten what his lips felt like.

“I missed you, too,” he responded. I never wanted him to let me go. I kept trying to remind myself that he would only be here for one night, but I decided not to think about and just enjoy the time I had with him.

“Hey, Cory, stop making out with your girlfriend and come help us with the equipment,” Jag yelled from the stage. I felt a blush creep up on my face. Cory let out a sigh like he could carless how the equipment found its way to the stage, but he let go of me anyway.

“Duty calls,” he said sarcastically before walking to the stage. I watched him as he set up his drum kit.

After about fifteen minutes, fans started to pile in and my friends and I made our way to the backstage area. We were allowed to go backstage because of our passes. We flashed our passed at security again and tried to find the ASD dressing room. We found it without much trouble. We knocked and Cory opened the door. Everyone looked pretty ready to go on.

“Hey. Come in,” he told us. He stepped aside to let us in and gestured for us to sit. We all found a seat and we introduced to some of the other members’ girlfriends.

“What time do you guys go on?” I questioned as Cory put his arm around me. I had missed him touching me so much.

“Whatever time Woe, Is Me is done, which should be in about twenty minutes,” Cory answered. He played with my hair a bit causing me to smile.

We all talk until someone told them that they were on in five minutes. Nick grabbed his guitar, Brian picked up his bass, Jag was handed a microphone, and Cory picked up his drum sticks. He snuck in a kiss before heading on stage.

Chris, Matt, Lily, and I stood with the other girlfriends on the side of the stage. Chris and I sang along to the songs. I had gotten him into ASD after I met Cory and he had really like them. Lily and Matt kind of just stood there a bit awkwardly and bobbed their head along to the music. I took a few pictures, mostly of Cory, with my phone to put on Instagram later. They put on a great show. Jag’s voice was really amazing and Cory killed it. They played my favorite song, The Cali Buds, last and then walked off stage telling the fans that they would be at their merch table for the rest of the night.

After changing clothes, they made their way to their merch table. I decided to follow because I had planned on buying a t-shirt and so did Chris. Tons of fans were already crowded around the small table. Chris and I said excuse to a few people and stood in front of the table. We picked out which shirts we wanted.

“Hey, give it to her for free,” Cory called out just as I was about to hand over our money. Their merch guy looked at him like he was crazy but handed me our shirts anyway. 

I made my way over to Cory getting some looks from fans who probably thought I was going to cut in line. “You didn’t have to do that,” I told him. While I like getting merch for free, I was more than capable of paying for it like a normal person.

“It’s the I’m-the-drummer’s-girlfriend special,” he told me with a film of sarcasm over his voice. He kissed the top of my head before turning his attention back to the fans. Some of the girls in line sent me death glares, but I didn’t let it bother me. They were just jealous fan girls that were probable half Cory’s age.

I hung back while they finished signing autographs and taking pictures. When all the fans finally cleared and left to watch the other bands, Cory came over to me and put his arm around.

“We don’t have to leave till tomorrow, so you wanna go hang out at my apartment? You can sleep over if you want,” he whispered in my ear. Well, more like screamed in my ear to be heard over the music, but I was fine with it. I nodded to tell him that that sounded great. 

I found Chris and he agreed to drive us there. I could have kissed Chris when he said he would drive us. I just wanted to spend the night with Cory.

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