Chapter 13: Thank You For What You Brought Out Of Me

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When Chris dropped us off, I told him thanks and we climbed out. Cory unlocked his door and we entered. I was immediately comforted by the familiar apartment. I hadn’t been there in so long, but it still felt like a second home. 

We sat on his couch talking for the longest time. He told me all about tour and I told him about work. I was kind of jealous that he got to have such a cool job, if you even considered it a job. Sure, he made money, but he got to live his dream. It sounded like getting paid to have more than it sounded like a job.

“I forgot to tell you. I stopped having those dreams,” I told him excitedly. I had told Cory about the dreams before he left, but I never told them that they had stopped since I told him everything. To be honest, I felt so much better after our conversation that day. It felt like everything that had made me hold on to the past was suddenly gone. I still remembered everything, but I wasn’t forced to relive it all the time.

“That’s great,” he responded with a smile. He squeezed my arm encouragingly. I think my mom and brother would be proud of me. I finally learned to cope with everything that had happened and found a great guy in the process.

“Ever since I told you I’ve felt a lot better,” I confessed. I threw my arms around him and he hugged me back. I loved his hugs.

He leaned back and planted a kiss on my lips. I had been waiting so long for this kiss. I know he kissed me at the venue, but it was better when it was in private. I always felt a little uncomfortable kissing in front of other people. I kissed him back. The kiss was so passionate that I could tell he had been storing up for this for a month. We kissed for a really long time only stopping to come up for air. We were making out when he pushed me back on the couch. His body moved over mine. I pulled shirt off of him. My body seemed to be longing for him. He took his lips off of mine just long enough to get my shirt off. He went back to kissing me and then suddenly stopped.

“Are you sure about this, Maria?” he asked. I could tell he didn’t want another crying incident and I was with him on that one, but I was one hundred percent confident that I was ready this time. I had felt so much better and I had been secretly hoping this would happen when he came home.

“Yep,” I told him confidently. He looked at me like he didn’t believe me. “I promised,” I added seeing the look on his face. I really wanted this to happen. He nodded.

“I love you,” he whispered before going back to kissing me. It wasn’t long before he was leading me into hid bedroom.

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