"Erm hi so my name is Dan"

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Phil's POV

I grabbed my headphones and took a deep breath. This is it Phil; today's the day, I thought to myself plugging in the headphones into the small device. I kiss my mum goodbye as she wishes me luck for my first day in school. My new school.

I stepped my house trying to remember what way my school was. I decided to walk as I knew I don't get enough exercise anyway. Plus it was winter and always dark so early in the morning, so sometimes I get the last glimpse at the stars. I've never understood my obsession with the stars; I don't like any of the science, just that they are so pretty. In the night, I will stand outside for hours on end looking in to the dark night sky, as the longer the look the more you can see, the more of a new world is uncovered.

I was interrupted by my thoughts suddenly, when I almost fell, face first on the concrete below after tripping on the pavement. I should be more careful I don't want to make a fool about myself before I've even gotten into the school.


"Here I am" I mumble to myself, as I approach the slightly chipped red gates. With a short intake of breath I stepped into the school.

When I first got in, I got some looks but I mean I am new I'm obviously gonna be looked at weirdly. I got to the office, and was greeted by woman around 30 years old, with a vibrant orange to her hair that suited her very well. A small name plate on her rather large desk was written 'MAMRIE' in large out of date font. I just managed to stutter out the sentence "erm hi, my names Phil and I'm new here so I, erm well, don't really know where I should be ect, so could you erm maybe tell me if you don't mind" I finished my jumble of words with a little smile though I could feel my face heating up.

The woman then smiled, and jumped out of her rather large chair and started to walk. I presumed I should follow her and I quickly followed behind her keeping my head low to avoid any attention. Mamrie then led me to a big door; I looked into the small window to see that no one was there. "Erm there's no one in there?" I say quietly, fear loitering in my voice. Mamrie laughed then spoke; "they normally come in when the bell goes off, apparently they're 'too cool' to be in early" she said with crazy hand gestures flying this way and that.

I enter the room and nod her quick thank you. I don't know where to sit though, what if I take someone's place then I'll sure be hated! After a minute of debating with my head I sat down in the back corner, and got out my phone. I quickly checked my Tumblr, seeing I had 174 more notes on my fanfiction I posted this morning. I smiled to myself then went to Twitter, tweeting a few things and sending a couple of DM's to my internet friends.

See I'm no noob at the internet, I don't want to brag but I consider myself quite internet famous over my social Media's such as Twitter and Tumblr. I don't know why so many people opted to follow me but apparently people seem to like my account or should I say...

Fan account.

See it's no secret I'm a fan account, I constantly write fanfiction and draw fan art. I have worked myself quite a name from it too!


I don't why I chose 'amazing' and my adjective, I'm more average Phil than anything, but now I've got the name it's stuck. See none of my whole school new the account was me, I never posted pictures of myself or my surroundings, knowing that someone might of found it was me, and I'm sure that wouldn't go down well I mean I would I have told people that it was me who wrote the 'Larry book of smut' or the 'Johnlock fluff novel'! I mean I haven't even come out yet. That would be a shocking discovery to all of my classmates!

Suddenly the door swings open and in walks a crowd of people, I immediately make myself smaller (which is very hard for a 6 ft 3" person) and bury my head in my phone, saying my last goodbyes to my internet friends.

I look up and see a few stares, but one boy catches my eye, he is about the same height as me with a dark chocolate brown tint to his hair and prominent dimples when he smiles. I quickly realise I've been staring too long and quickly shoot my head down to my phone, trying to let the red off my cheeks cool off.

After a few minutes of looking at phone, I feel a presence by me and realised it isn't a ghost standing by me, it was a person. The boy that caught my eye before. Before I could try and recompose myself from staring yet again, the boy speaks; 

"Erm hi so my name is Dan, I can see you're new so I just wanted to say hi, as you seem alone,"

I smiled at Dan, and then spluttered out the words, "Hello my names Phil, and I've only just joined so I don't know anyone, but hi Dan!" He smiled back, showing off his dimples then waving mumbling the words, "okay see you around." He seemed nice I thought, and then went back to scrolling through my Tumblr dash, feeling slightly happier than before.

After an agonising wait for the form tutor to hurry up and finish her announcement to the form as well as forcing me to speak she said we could talk for a minute or two. Now the only problem was I had no one to talk to. I got my phone out once again, and decided to talk to the next best thing. My followers.

I was just about to send a tweet to a friend when I go tapped on the shoulder. I hid my phone against my chest and turned around and jumped to see it was Dan. He giggled as he scared me then said, "Hi Phil, again, I was just wondering what classes you had?" I quickly remembered the sheet of paper Mamrie had given me and got it out onto the table, Dan put his alongside it.

"Hey look at that we have mostly the same classes, all sciences, English, maths, RE, PE, art, and I know that PJ and Chris both have Geography too so you'll be with them for that." I smiled at how he was already bringing up his friends in the small conversation. "Oh right-"Dan interrupted himself, to the call two boys over. "This is PJ" Dan said gesturing to the curly haired boy slightly taller than me. "And I'm Chris" said the other boy and they both smiled. "And this is Phil" Dan said as he ruffled my hair, I giggled. Dan smiled, then said "okay Phil well I'll take you to first lesson which is..." he scanned the piece of paper. "English" He sighed. He then sat back in his place while I smiled and adjusted my hair.


Welcome to this story! Okay so I know I'm not an amazing writer but yeah well that's it! Okay so Phil is sort of based on me in the hidden fan accounts ect. but I'm defiantly NOT famous! Hehe :D So vote on this if you liked it because like I'm not famous and used to votes and I get very over excited if I get one. (I know I'm sad XD)



Twitter:  @ dottymathers

Tumblr: blacklovingphangirl.tumblr.com

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