@AmazingPhil wait...

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Dan's POV

I wake up the next day feeling more tired than ever, my eyelids felt so heavy it was almost a workout to try and keep them open. I feel my eyelids shoot open as I have to get up for school as it's a Monday. I jump out of bed and go downstairs to get food, looking at the clock say 7:48 and I know I don't have long to get ready, so my body fills with adrenaline, as I run faster than I have ever run before up the stairs. I look at my phone to see the time and freeze.

It. Is. Sunday.

I flop back onto my bed face first, groaning loudly as now I was awake, and there is no chance I'll be going back to sleep, so now I'll be bored till people come online of Twitter. Wait Tumblr does exist too.

I open up my laptop and plug in my headphones, so any videos don't wake up my mum, and log on to Tumblr, finding myself immediately immersed online, my eyes attached to the screen as if it were the world around me.

My Tumblr is usually all the same things, the same pictures of plants, clothes, and stars. Like each post is just a trend and everyone is partaking in it, something I hate seeing. I scroll and scroll and scroll, now no longer paying proper attention to the pictures and gifs. A certain gif appears and mind doesn't register it. But my dick does. I know I can be quiet, and there is no use stopping now, Tumblr has decided my morning.

(Aye Smut warning!)

I slowly palm my crotch through my sweatpants, shivering at the sudden contact. My hips buck up slightly, as I speed up my movements, and I feel myself now fully hard, I shuffle down my pants to my lower thigh and slowly go to touch my dick.

I start slowly, rubbing up and down my dick at a careful pace, already a small drop of precum dripping onto my hand, my hips automatically bucking up harder this time, making me breath in sharper and quicker.

I quietly hum as I start to move faster, my knees moving closer together, my hips moving on their own accord now, and my hand pumping faster and harder. My tip starts to trickle out more liquid, my fingers coated in streaks of the stuff.

I feel my body start to tighten, and my eyes start to roll back and close as I start to pump my dick even faster, my arm starting to feel weak and tired. The back of my hand starts to feel wet and my body shivers with pleasure, as I sense my release coming on.

My breathing increases greatly and my body tenses up, and I feel my dick twitch and my eyes roll back, a chorus of soft moans erupted from my lips as I cum into my hand. I gently touch over my tip, and I try to muffle the noises I make, though a tiny word comes out my mouth which sounded suspiciously like Phil's name.

I ignore the name and slow my breathing down, letting out a small giggle at the mess I got myself in, wiping my hands on my pants, as I pull them back up to my hips.


I decide to shower and get ready early today, making sure I hid the underwear at the bottom of the washing basket, inside my sweatpants. I turn on the shower and wait till the water reached a warm temperature, carefully stepping in the bath and letting the water trickle down my head, the heat giving my goosebumps and making me shiver from temperature shock.

I stand in the shower lazily rubbing shampoo in my hair, while thinking about why Phil said he loves me too last night, I mean it could be down to me just randomly admitting my crush on him out the blue or I think he said it to make me feel comfortable. Yeah I think that's it. I mean who would have a crush on me? I'm awkward and weird and a mess and just me...

I get out the shower after a few more mins and try not to trip and fall again, as having to ask your mum to come in the bathroom when you've fallen flat on your back while naked is mortifying. I realise as soon as I towel dried my hair that I didn't bring any clothes with me, which means I have to naked run. That sounds a lot weirder than it actually is.

I run across the hallway as fast as I could, my body tensing when the cold air from the hallway hits the front of my chest. I slam my door shut, which must have awoken my mother, as I hear a muffled shout come from her room, "Dan stop fucking slamming doors it's not even half eight!". I giggle, and shout a sloppy sorry to her, continuing to put on some clothes.

I log onto to Twitter as I have nothing better to do, and start scrolling, I highly doubt Phil would be awake this early, I mean why am I even awake, I should've gone back to sleep! I forget my awful decisions to stay with a lack of sleep for the whole day and get to scrolling through Twitter.

I find Twitter interesting as it only takes a few seconds to tweet a couple of syllables, and the few words people send out to the world could mean so much to them but we may never know. I think I overthink tweets a lot.

My phone suddenly buzzes and I look down to see that @AmazingPhil has tweeted, I immediately click on the tweet, sort of hoping in the back of my mind that he will be tweeting about me, or our conversations last night. It turns out it was just a picture of his timetable with a short caption;

"Ugh Monday (a) lessons are the WORST"

I decide I may as well reply with my timetable, it may trigger a conversation between us both! I fish out my timetable from my bag, reading what Phil had and also what I had, but I noticed something weird. We both have the same lessons? Maybe it was just a coincidence, and I check the other days with his. The same.

I decide to tweet him;

@AmazingPhil lol look we have the exact same lessons!

@AmazingPhil wait...



Hehe ^-^ anyway dw i won't leave the next update half a month I'll try sooner! Anyway yeah!


Twitter: @ dottymathers

Tumblr: dottymathers.tumblr.com | Anotheraestheticpage.tumblr.com | blackcoffeeandreading.tumblr.com

Youtube: Dottymathers

Instagram: Mollchester

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