He's always been like that Phil

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Phil's POV

I arise from my sleep and feel something beside me, my arms wrapped around whatever it was. My instant reaction to squeeze the large thing and it moves. My mind suddenly clicks and I realise I am at PJ's house, and the memories from yesterday night spring through me, the main thing I realise that Dan is in my arms, and I feel myself blush deeply.

I don't want to let him go so I, instinctively, hold him tighter, I slither my left hand around his body till I find his hand and interlock our fingers tightly, Dan shuffling about till his ass was closely pressed against my crotch. I am now using all my willpower to not get hard, and ruin our peaceful moment that we were having, and trust me this was taking a lot of self-control.

My thoughts then travel to last night; Dan's small moans as I kissed his neck, his lack of self-control making my stomach fill with butterflies and my breath getting caught in my throat. Although I am not usually the horny kind, I couldn't resist making Dan moan once more, everyone is sleeping right so they won't hear?

I start slow, running my fingers gently across the behind of Dan's ears, my other hand still entwined with Dan's hand. He wriggled under my touch, making me stifle a giggle and retract my hand. I move my hand under his shirt slightly and trace circles at the bottom of his spine, just slightly to the right. The more gentle and delicate I am, the more Dan squirms around, his breathing increasing, and his noises becoming ever so slightly more prominent.

I continue to draw circles on him, surprised that he is still asleep, and start to move closer to his neck, my lips gently kissing the back of his neck. Dan exhales shakily and I kiss him again, slightly more pressure his time making him let out a small breathy moan, I shiver as the sound echoes in my head. I debate whether to carry on, although I still don't get how he is still asleep!

I kiss his neck once more, lingering in the same spot, and sucking gently, careful not to give him a hickey that is too prominent. His moans become louder and muffled, he moans loud enough that if everyone was awake they'd definitely hear and we'd never be let down of it. The moan sounds like my name, which sends me over the edge, and my dick to twitch. I move my hips back slightly, making sure if Dan wakes up he doesn't notice my hard on.

Although sleepy Dan seems to like constant body contact, so Dan shuffles back some more, making me wince. I try and create some kind of separation between us, but no there was no use, Dan just liked to stay extremely close to me, I let out a sigh and wrapped my arms around him, and I hear a giggle from behind me. I look up to see PJ giggling. His arms wrapped around a sleeping Chris. "He's always been like that Phil" PJ laughs, his voice raspy, "huh? Like what?" I ask him, to which he slowly sits up, lifting up Chris's head and placing it on his lap, stroking his hair as he sleeps.

"Clingy. Not in a bad way, but a loving way. When we first became friends he didn't like to leave our sides. He was always jumpy and nervous. When alone he'd find any excuse to lie on our laps or shoulders, getting as much of us touching as platonically possible. Don't tell him I told you, but he hasn't had the childhood of his dreams, his mother is still often away, leaving him alone constantly, and his dad moved out a while ago, Dan only seeing him every so often. He's been independent from as young as he can remember, never being able to hug someone goodnight or lie down and cuddle for comfort. At first we found it weird, I mean we were really young so we didn't know much difference, but over time we got used to it and didn't reject him, Chris and I felt almost like carers to Dan, not letting anyone hurt him." PJ pauses.

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