Wow I didn't realise how much I love you.

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(hey this chapter gets sad, if you're triggered by sadness ignore the paragraph where i put 'ignore' in bold!)

Phil's POV

I got into my bed, still feeling wide awake, awake enough to go on a jog at 10pm, pfft I don't do exercise, though I do make myself laugh. I giggled aloud but immediately stopped, I sounded slightly crazy. I pulled my laptop out from under my bed and turned it on, loading up Twitter faster than ever. I decided to tweet for someone to talk, as I didn't know who to talk to first, though I have an idea.

"Someone DM me ^-^! I'm hella bored :/"

I watched as a few people started to speak, more followers than mutuals, and I said hello to a couple, but I was still waiting for someone I actually WANTED to talk to, to speak to me. 10 minutes passed and I gave up on waiting, I mean I am just Phil, it's not like everyone would ignore me.

Turns out they do. Except for one.

Phil: Hewwo!

Dan: Hi Phiwwwl Xx

Phil: hehe an actual reply! Everyone seems to be ignoring me :(

Dan: how could they ignore you! You are like amazing (wow) and kind and cute and just ah!!! Xxx

I blushed as I tried to think of a reply, how could someone think of me as such an amazing person? I'm just a socially awkward... Phil?

Phil: cute? How would you know that you've never seen me XD

Dan: idk you just seem like you would be, I mean you could give me an idea of what you look like? ;) Xx

I think about sending him a picture for a second. I can't. If there is a small chance he knows anyone in our school, I'd be outed. As AmazingPhil, as gay, as this giant fanboy! I couldn't face everyone knowing that. There's no chance anyone is EVER going to know.

Phil: erm okay, well I have 2 arms, 2 legs, blue eyes and a massive afro ;)

Dan: wow I'm extremely turned on, I mean 2 arms and 2 legs! Jfc! Xx

Phil: okay okay, maybe not the afro, but I couldn't tell you, y'know secret account, unknown identity. :/

Dan: so you're like the Hannah Montana of online fanboys? Xx

Phil: yeah they call me Phil Philadelphia ;)


Phil: Jeez it wasn't that funny XD x

Dan: hey look at that! Xxx

Phil: Oh god, did I spell something wrong again... x

Dan: no you weirdo XD, it was your first 'X' of the chat! Xxx

Phil: ha people are usually freaked out slightly when I send those kisses or hearts Xxx

Dan: aw well I don't mind :) xxx

Phil: woohoo! <3

Dan: how was your day? <3

Phil: It got better as the day went on wbu? <3

Dan: wait, why not at the beginning? :( <3

I debate on telling him about my past school experiences. I mean I feel I can trust him, even only after two conversations, he feels closer to me than most people I've known for a while. It's sort of like we've met before in some kind of past life.

(IGNORE IF YOU DON'T LIKE SADNESS) Phil: I might as well tell you, for some reason I trust you more than people I've known for a while, well I moved school because someone found my account. A load of children would tease me for it, I became the person who was "weird", "a girl, "someone who shouldn't waste their time talking to people". So, the first chance I got to leave the north, I did. Starting a new life, irl that is.

I wiped the tears off my cheeks and waited for Dan to agree with everything they said about me.

(okay carry on reading :] )

Dan: WHO THE HELL WOULD SAY THAT ABOUT YOU! Right you are the most amazing person I have ever come across on Twitter okay? Everything they said is stupid and they don't know you like I do! Ugh why don't I know you irl, I'd be at your door now! They don't understand people like us! They don't realise your kindness, how sweet you are, how you're ready at hand to help anyone and everyone. Wow I didn't realise how much I love you. <3

Dan: did I just

Dan: I did

Dan: ta da *jazz hands*

Dan: oh no I scared you off... once again Danny boy chased someone away.

Phil: ly2 <3

I stare at my screen in awe of what I just said, what Dan said, just why? Why me? I'm Phil. AmazingPhil. Phil Lester. Fanboy. Weirdo.

 A hopeless romantic.

Another think no one knows...



sorry this chapter is shorter :( exams and revision may leave the next update a while away :/ okay so I'll leave you!


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