Mum, I am not continuing to make out, while you take pictures of me!

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Phil's POV

"Open up my darling!" I hear from downstairs, several knocks playing at my door. I wonder down the stairs in a shirt and blazer, only underwear covering my lower half. I hear my mum call from the living room then wonder towards the door next to me, "Phil puts some pants on!" she whines at me, and I just roll my eyes, "trust me, Dan's seen worse! Now go and get your camera ready so you can keep these 'precious memories' you'd call them!" I shout at her, laughing as she dashes off to get out her camera.

I open the door, and I am confronted with Dan, dressed up in a dark grey suit, a bow tie snuggly fitted at his collar, and a small bouquet of roses were held up to me, the whole attire decorated his a dimple filled smile from Dan. "Too much?" Dan asks, as I stare at him in surprise, my mouth hanging open and my eyes welling up with a small dose of tears.

"Oh no! Don't cry Phil!" Dan says in panic, but a small laugh from me gives him a measure of reassurance. "Get in here right now Daniel and kiss me!" I say with a wide smile, a tear slipping down my face as I pull Dan towards me and kiss him hard, feeling Dan smile as he kisses me. A sudden flash makes us both jump apart and I am faced with my mum, a camera in hand and a smile adorning her lips.

"Mum!" I screech and flush red, Dan giggling next to me as I whine at her. "Don't mind me, just carry on you both look so cute together! Oh and; hello Dan!" She explains, giving a small wave to Dan, which he returns. Dan and my mum had only met on two occasions, but you'd think they knew each other most their lives, my mum has the tendency to carry on a conversation, which gave Dan the opportunity to get comfortable with her over one conversation.

"Mum, I am not continuing to make out, while you take pictures of me!" I complain, Dan suddenly interrupting, "Oh come on Phil, make let your mum take a picture", then taking my lips in his, and continuing when we left off, his soft lips were almost hypnotising against mine, Dan's soft touch making me want to melt in a puddle of jelly. A wash of cold air hits my legs and I realised I am still in my underwear.

"Hold on!" I quickly say, pecking Dan as I part from him and I run upstairs and quickly wiggle into my pants, then rush downstairs again, suddenly being stopped by my mother, who wiggled her camera in my face, making me roll my eyes. "Sorry Dan, just stand next to me and smile, so we can finally get to this dance, oh by the way are you still okay with walking there and back, I don't really want you walking in the dark but my mum is already slightly tipsy and your mum's on a trip-" I mumble but I am suddenly interrupted again, "Phil! Don't worry I am fine, it's not like I haven't walked home alone before!" he puts his arm round my side and gives me a reassuring rub.

"Oh Daniel, why don't you stay here the night! I am going to Susan's anyway, so you can keep the house safe from clumsy over here." My mum suggests, looking down at me when saying so, making me flush red from embarrassment. "Thank you!" I shout excitedly, not giving any chance for Dan to deny, yet from the smile on his face I doubt he would've wanted to.

"Right, smile boys so I can take these pictures" my mum exclaims, Dan and I both smiling in unison and my mum takes several pictures of us both. Many pictures were been taken of us in the same pose, when I felt Dan move slightly and his lips were pressed against my cheek, I blush slightly and turn slightly, so that his lips were pressed on mine again, a few more flashes came on way as we stayed in this position, and I try to hide my smile, but it doesn't work and Dan giggles at my poor attempts to hold the kiss.

"Okay okay, I'm done now, I'm done. Go off with you both and don't do any drugs or drink any alcohol, I want my two boys whole by tomorrow morning!" She says kissing Dan and I's foreheads and opening the door, Dan suddenly realising he still has flowers in his hands. He hands them to my mum and tells her to put them in water, which she immediately waves us off and rushes to do so.

I interlock my hand with Dan's as we walk our way to school, swinging our hands back and forth absentmindedly, as I get lost in the slowly darkening sky, the sun on its length of being on show as the moon rises up from the opposite side of the sky. An ombre of colours ranging from black to pink to orange decorated the sky above me, a few stars slowly making their way visible through the darker section of the sky. I can feel a shot of happiness coax through me, and my eyes widen at the pretty aesthetic the sky was letting me witness.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Dan quietly asks, squeezing my hand to get my attention. I snap out of my high and face Dan, shrugging slightly saying, "The sky", and continuing to swing my arms, noticing Dan's arms were really relaxed, leading them to be relentlessly submissive. I start to quietly hum Interrupted by Fireworks, swinging our arms in time with the tune. I lift his arm and twirl underneath it, Dan giggling as he watches me hum to myself and dance along with Dan's arm.

I look over to Dan and watch him; he had a content look plastered on his face, as I continue to swing our arms, and hum. Suddenly Dan stops and looks at me, his body radiating an inquisitive vibe, he opens his mouth as to say something but nothing comes out. I giggle slightly at his sudden change of thoughts, and think what is happening, but Dan cuts my thoughts short quickly.

"What are you humming?" He asks suddenly, and I give him a blunt reply pf the song which makes his start to have a moment that could only be described as chaotic, his hands fly to his mouth in shock and his eyes widen in excitement. "You okay there?" I laugh, making Dan rush back to my side, interlocking our fingers again as he starts to speak.

"That was the song you told me was your favourite song, and I remember messaging you just to ask what song it was because I forgot!" Dan excitedly blabbers out, making me smile and his mouth opens as if he was waiting for me to say something so he can continue his little monologue. I nod slightly smiling, signalling for him to continue, "Yes! Literally that song sounded like heaven itself, just because it reminded me of you, I don't know it felt nostalgic" He trailed off sheepishly, though the thought of Dan sitting in awe over the song because of me, filled my stomach with a collection of small butterflies.

"Dan!" I dragged out the 'a' in a whiney tone, "Stop! You're gonna make me look like a tomato if you keep saying things like this!" Dan just giggled in response, wrapping our interlocked over my head and then round my chest, holding me close and hugging me, kissing the top of my head as we continue to walk towards the school, preparing for the social situations we will be thrown in.


HEYYY WASSUP! Okay I am so sorry for the slow updates, and I know you are all not gonna like this but I have to admit, there won't the many chapters left, and when I say that, I mean about 1 or 2 left :( 

So now decide for me if you want a chapter with Dan and Phil at the school dance or not, because if you want that as a chapter I'll write it! Please help me decide whether to write it or not!

Anyway yeah, tysm for 5K reads like wowowowowowzor! And keemstar is the best YouTuber!

I'm sorry I had too XD


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