The Butterfly Feeling Hit Me Again!

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Phil's POV

I was sitting on my bed, frantically typing on my laptop, getting down every detail to my fanfiction chapter as I could so I could finish it. I was getting near to the end of the chapter when suddenly my phone buzzed next to me, making me jump a little, as the only sound I had heard for last forty minutes was my keyboard. With one hand still typing; I picked my picked up my phone and read the notification.


1 New Friend Request.

I stop typing and click save on my word file, then scroll to see who the notification was off. The page loads, and I see a request off 'Dan Howell'. Did I tell Dan my last name? I can't remember! Well I click yes anyway and go back to writing. Though I can't carry on as I strangely feel immensely happy? I decide to carry on writing still, but rant out my strange happiness through the character point of view.

I end up at a kissing scene...

Before I could think on what I just wrote, my phone buzzed again and I pick it up a little too eagerly this time. What is going on with me? I ignore my weird behaviour and told myself I will Google it in a minute. I read the notification, and see it's a message from Dan; I open it and feel a rush of butterflies in my stomach, just before I start to read.

"Hi Phil! Remember you told me your favourite song? I can't remember the name! >.< Yeah just wanted to listen to it >_< xx"

A smile plasters my face, as I read the message, seeing actually someone listening to something I like feels different, like I'm not just some ordinary person, like I have a reason for someone. I remember I have to type back, quickly remembering the odd song choice, I told Dan.

"Hi Dan! :D The song yeah, oh erm I think you are talking about 'interrupted by Fireworks' it's from FFVII :) I do have many others but I wasn't ready for someone to ask something about me! :/ Yeah but I also like the song Yellow by Coldplay! Oh and All Of The Stars by Ed Sheeran :D Sorry I'm a bit obsessed with stars >U< x"

I send the message, and then had the butterfly feeling hit me again! Should I google this? Am I sick?! This isn't normal! Is it? I decide I should google it in a minute, as I still haven't finished my chapter, and I told myself I need to finish it!

A couple of minutes of writing later, I think I have finished my chapter, and have got a cup of tea to try and get rid of the weird butterflies in my stomach, I think it has worked? Just as I was about to take a sip of the hot liquid my phone buzzed again, and I almost spill the cup onto myself, luckily holding it over the side, and spilling a small drop on the table. I look at my phone:

"Hi Phil! I listened to the song! :D IT WAS AMAZING! Like really! You should just give your Spotify playlist ;) Plus I literally love the song 'All Of The Stars' so I mean at least I know you like some songs like myself! >_< hehe well I'm going to eat my pizza and listen to the song on repeat! :D xx"

I smile, at the message, and another rush of butterflies fill my stomach as I read the first line of the message, happy to see Dan liked the silly little song I recommend. I carried on reading and my eyes widened and stomach dropped.

"just give your Spotify playlist ;)"

Now I won't give my Spotify for a few reasons; one my name on there is AmazingPhil and that is basically giving Dan my username for everything I want to keep private. And another reason is there are certain playlist that should not be seen by non-sinners. Yes most people think I'm innocent la de da but the amount of playlists I have referring to kinks and smut novels is enough to put me sinner #1. Now you understand why I can't give Dan my Spotify?! I decide to make up a lie about using YouTube and carry on sending the message deciding to carry on the conversation a bit.

"Hello again Dan! Hehe I'm glad you liked it! :D I don't have Spotify, sorry! >.< I use YouTube! :D Yeah well if you have any songs to recommend, I'll happily check them out! :) hope you enjoyed your pizza! >_< x"

Before I even lock the phone I get a reply, and a smile re-appears on my face.

"Well hello again Phil! :) Actually listen to the song 'Holding My Thoughts In My Heart' :D It's kind of like the other one! Anyway I'm gonna sleep now! Nighty! :) xx"

I noted down the song, and felt kind of sad that Dan was leaving as I don't usually talk to a lot of people, I'm more reserved and don't have many friends anyway. Who needs real friends, when you have internet friends! I type a small massage back to Dan:

"Okay I will >U< Sweet dreams! Xx"

As soon as I sent the last message, I disregarded my phone and went to my laptop; typing in the familiar website of YouTube, and searching up the song. I clicked on the first video I saw, presuming that this would be the one, and turned my volume up to maximum. The music seemed familiar, in a way. I listen to the first few sounds, and then the sound of piano comes in, I get that funny feeling in my stomach again, and I start to smile. Soft high pitched dings, ring through my ears, filling my brain with nothing but happiness and just fuzzy thoughts. Music does this to me.

See it's sort of like a person. You get the right type of music; your body reacts to it. It's like I fell in love with the song, well I did! The music just made me feel so weird and different and well happy! My body goes completely different when I really like a song, my head clouds with happy, my body feels warm, and I get little butterflies in my tumm-

Like the texts with Dan in a wa-



Okay, literally, I had to play Holding My Thoughts In My Heart and type out whatever came into mind about the song. now you all know how my brain works! Also i may or may not myself have a Spotify playlist dedicated to smut...

I was also having a discussion with my friend about how we wish we were men as gay sex sounds a lot more interesting and is better than straight sex... I'm gonna stop now ^_^


Twitter: @ dottymathers


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