Alone Together

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psa: the title is not to do with the FOB song, but I do love Alone Together and FOB

Also the teesiest bit smutty towards the end, nothing detailed just a few moans and that! Okay enjoy!

Dan's POV

"A DOUBLE DATE!" Chris screams suddenly, making every one of us shush him, and hit his arm. "Christopher! I hope that to do with your performance!" Miss Mills shouts, making us all jump. I try to not laugh, but end up spluttering into a giggle, my head in between Phil's lap, trying to muffle any sounds my mouth was making, but nothing could stop me laughing at Chris' face.

"Dan, was it that funny?" Phil asked in a breathy laugh, making me laugh harder, the group trying to shush me but ended up just laughing along with me. PJ finally stops us, and manages us to start practicing our performance. We mainly chose to do Drama as quite a joke, but over time we all took quite a liking to the subject, and surprisingly I found out Phil is quite the actor! Our first lesson with Phil, we expected him to be rather shy and reserved, but we gave him a script and he blew us away. Quiet, shy, nervous Phil turned into a new character and I understood him straight away.

I used to be like Phil in a way, rather reserved and I kept to myself a lot, the fact I could perform to people as 'Bill' or 'Sarah', and not 'Dan', and to me, this made me feel a lot more confident, people wouldn't be able to judge me, as I wasn't me. After a year and a bit, I am different; I am louder, outgoing, able to talk to strangers, sillier, happier.

"Okay I think we know this weird ass play off by heart now, can we please talk about my amazing idea now?" Chris moans, and we all agree and sit down on the chairs we laid out. "Okay go on then" PJ says, Chris's eyes lighting up, as he starts to speak.

"Okay, so how about a double date night, a giant sleepover at PJ's house, we can play some board games, more Twister, watch some films, and have a laugh!" He finishes, practically jumping with excitement.

"Wait, why at mine?" PJ asks, "Because you have a dog and you have some kind of futuristic mansion, and you love me and will go along with my idea", Chris bats his eyes at PJ, making him face palm though still agree to his idea. "Okay let's plan this out." Phil says taking a bit of charge, making me perk up a bit, at this act of dominance.

After 10 minutes we'd got a plan; I'll collect Phil from his, and walk to PJ's, with all of our blankets and so on. We'll have a fun night blah, blah, blah, then I'll walk Phil home the next day. Easy. "Right performance time! Chris's group can go first." Miss Mills suddenly announces all of ready to perform our silly play in front of a class of 20.

Our play was a mess. I mean it has been made by us four, so it's definitely not a Broadway hit! So our little show has consisted of; My wife, Phil, and Chris's husband, Peej, have secretly eloped, we have crashed to wedding, decided then to marry to get back at them, and manages to wreck our whole set. Overall, a good lesson!

Especially since it's with Phil.

*Time skip to the Saturday*

I throw my stuff on the floor and I close the door to my house and lock it, immediately shoving my free hand into the pocket of my jumper trying to stop any hint of cold hitting my skin. Within the pocket of my jumper, I fiddle with my phone, tapping along the screen to try and find the play button on my music. Eventually a song started to play, and I waited out the sounds to try and recognise the song.

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