Did I just say that...?

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Phil POV

"So Phil what do you like?"

My head sprung up at the question. I've never been asked such a thing! No one has ever really cared about my opinions and what I think, no one knows my favourite type of, music or TV show. So when Dan asked me this, I don't know what to say. What are my interests? Fanfiction, shipping, tweeting my followers, answering Tumblr asks!? I couldn't tell Dan any of this! I can't tell anyone any of these. I think about my other interests then come up with answered that I ended saying a fast list of things;

"Erm well I like video games, music, internet, stars-"

I stop myself, so I don't go on too long at look to my side. To my surprise I don't see bored uninterested Dan; I see a wide eyed, smiling Dan. Taking in every word I say, and nodding along. Dan realises I've stopped talking and interrupts the silence; "what are your favourite songs then?"


I wasn't ready for these questions as I am suddenly lost of thoughts, what are my favourite songs? I hate being under pressure, there's something about me that needs to think of my answer. I can't just think of something like that. I must have a slow reactant to words. My neurotransmitter must be a bit slow on answers. It is sort of as if my blood is replaced with alcohol, my thoughts completing slowing down, and my thoughts blank. I remember that Dan is still waiting for an answer so I tell the first song that comes to mind that I like, "interrupted by fireworks!" I blurt out quickly.

Dan smiles, "I haven't heard of it, but I'll listen to it when I get home." I slightly smile at the softness of his voice and suggestion to listen to it when his is home. This can't be enough information for Dan though, I've never been asked a question like this before, and maybe I should really milk the moment.

"I also like Muse," I quietly say, not thinking Dan would hear anyway.

Suddenly I feel a strong pair of hands on my shoulders, causing me to halt and stay standing in the middle of the corridor. "Wait you like Muse too!" Dan practically screams, and I can see the excitement in his face. "Yes, they were the first proper band I listened to actually!" I say slightly louder than my first remark, as I am now getting into the conversation.

"OHMYGOD I CAN'T BELIEVE I FOUND SOMEONE WHO LIKES SOMETHING THE SAME AS ME!" Dan screeched getting very over excited; I quickly place a finger lightly over his mouth, to signal him to be quiet. He then looks at me with a blush in cheeks and a small smile placed onto his face. "Did you also say stars?" Dan softly questions. I feel myself going red and subtly nod, looking down to the ground; I might as well tell him the reason.

"Yes I do, not in a scientific way. But in an aesthetic way. I love the way that some of these stars are dead yet, their image lives on; like us. One day we will all be gone yet, small photographs and words live on. Each shine is still in the night sky, contrasting with its darkness, and giving the blank canvas of the sky small tints of life. The small constellations of stars set out in a small picture that only we understand. Stars are like sheet music in a way. They are a universal language, everyone knows these stars and you don't have to speak the sky to know what they mean-"

I stop myself.

Am I going too deep in?

I look at the ground, in fear that Dan wouldn't want to know someone so passionate about the long lasting images of the dead balls of light. I feel a gentle touch smother my shoulder, and look up to see Dan staring at me with a toothy smile, that activated his dimples. I let out a small smile, seeing this happy image.

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