Well I have a hamster?

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Phil's POV

When the final bell rung, all four of us set off together to go to Pj's house. We were walking in a long line, which was slightly inconvenient for the small corridors of the school, mixed with many students but we eventually got out.

I didn't completely listen to the conversation the three were having, more just watching the world around me, and how the cold air would often just hit the back of my head and the tips of my fingers, which were laced together behind my back. The weather was softly raining, only noticing it if you focused on the surrounding and, the small dots of cold hitting your hands.

I tried to not completely zone out on the walk there, only paying attention just enough to hear their voices and see the ground, but not take in every word they're saying. Not that I don't want to, I could listen to people rant on about interests for hours, the passion in people's voices or even the way some people type their words, you can easily excited by the topic at hand.

"Phil? Phil!" Dan waved his Hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention. "Did you hear what I-. " He stopped mid-sentence, to look me in the eyes, as if he were scanning me. "Are you okay?" he asks, not giving me any time to answer before he starts to mumble. "Oh no, are you sick? I could take you home if you're sick! Are you tired? Seriously you don't have to come with us if yo-." Pj then smacks his hands over Dan's mouth, making me silently giggle.

"You okay?" Pj asks calmly, and I nod. Pj then releases his hand from Dan's mouth and goes back to walking at a normal pace, Dan rolling his eyes and Pj, then smiling to me.

We then arrive at Pj's house; the house itself was quite big, but more modern than anything. The outside of the house was a clean white, and the house had a few giant windows, the glass was spotless with not a single mark on there. Pj unlocked the matte black door, and we all entered into a very wide hallway. The walls were plain white, with various framed paintings placed symmetrically across from each other.

The whole house felt like a living Tumblr post, with everything so minimal and symmetrical, and to be quite honest I envied it to my own home. Pj led us all upstairs and opened the door to his bedroom, which almost got me to gasp. The room was unbelievably tidy, and across windowsills small cacti and succulents sat. Shelves were filled with many kinds of books and the odd musical instrument was scattered in the corners of the room and under shelves.

Pj dives under his bed to retrieve the small, worn down box of twister, while we all sat on the small couch that sat on the side of his room. While Pj set up the game, and Chris and Dan chatted, I took the opportunity to go on Twitter. I notice I haven't talked to a few mutuals in a long time, some I only talked to once, yet felt a weird connection between us, and sort of blamed myself for not talking to them more often. I mean my 'thing' is the internet. I promise myself to speak to the few friends later tonight.

"Phil do you have any animals?" Pj asks me, now sitting on the couch as well, as I see the twister mat is all set up. "Well I have a hamster?" I say, sounding uncertain of myself. "Cute, are you allergic to any animals?" Pj asks again, and I shake my head, catching on the thing that may happen. Pj then whistles extremely loudly, making us all jump. There is a sudden bark and Pj flings the door open, a tiny Pomeranian, smaller than the size of my hand, scuttles along the ground, onto Pj foot. The dog looked like a small cotton wool ball, with tiny beady eyes.

Pj scooped the dog up with one hand, and plopped them on my knee. My heart purely melted then, and the dog ran along my knees, and the only noises I could make were small "aww"s and small gasps and the cuteness of this tiny animal.

"Her name is Atom" Pj says, as I continue to handle her as gently as possible. "She is adorable" I managed to say, as everyone else gave a small chuckle. "Shall we start out game without Phil?" Pj laughs and I forget I am still surrounded by people. "Okay but Pj where will you put her, she is smaller than my foot, we would crush her." I say with real caution for the dog. Pj just laughs aloud and opens the door, signalling that the dog could just leave the room. I laugh and put down Atom watching as she scurries out the room.

­­­­"Okay so the order will go, Dan, Phil, Chris then me" Pj announces as we all stand at a corner of the mat. "So order of sexiness" Dan says wink a wink, making us all roll our eyes at him. Chris phone suddenly spoke out the twister position, making us jump slightly. Dan moved his hand onto the red circle and we all waited for the phone to speak again, when it did I awkwardly moved round Dan to get to put my foot on the green circle, my crotch fairly closer to Dan's face.

We each continue taking turns, our positions becoming funnily intimate; we ended up with Chris being left on his own in the corner, and me and Pj practically hugging on top of Dan, it was truly funny, I haven't had this much fun with friends than in, well ever! I felt some sort of certain happiness in me, which I never properly felt before.

Suddenly I felt movement beneath me and next I know, I am toppling onto the ground, Pj and Dan beneath me, and we formed a sort of three person tower, we were all laughing too much to realise Chris had jumped on top on me too, all of us in a stack laughing until our sides hurt.

"Group hug!" I shout, through my laughter; wrapping my arms around Pj and Dan, while Chris hugs me. Once again we all topple over and we are left of the floor laughing, to be honest I didn't even know why I was laughing anymore, just the happiness inside somehow needed to be heard and just not seen. I didn't care either way.

"Okay my sides hurt too much to do any more physical activity. Does anyone want tea?" Pj asks, opening the door, Atom running in and leaping onto my leg, I smile and stroke her as I agree to Pj's kind offer.

For once. I think, for once I am not completely alone, and people here are enjoying my company, I like this foreign feeling. I do.  


hey heyyyy! Sorry for the lack of updates exam season (ew). I think I spent more time researching tiny dogs that writing the actual chapter XD. So yeah this is kinda rubbish, but I just didn't want to leave you all without an update for so long. Also just a note, hand holding can be platonic! Trust me! Yes Dan likes Philly here, but the hand holding to Phil is platonic! Tbh I love holding hands with people, i do it whenever I can :D yeah Okay I'm gonna STOP rambling and leave you with 4 letters:



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