I Want To Cuddle Him And Never Let Go

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Dan's POV

I was so engrossed in the movie, I forgot Phil was even here, or the fact I was in a massive den! Though, the movie must have hypnotised me, and stole my attention as I had have put a blanket over the both of us, and neither have us have noticed.

The film was nearing its ending, and I was really debating on whether to ask Phil if he wanted to watch another film, I will wait though, I'll finish off this film and see if he says anything, because maybe he has to go, as he could have plans for tonight, or he coul-

I'll stop wondering about Phil's plans for tonight, and actually watch the film. I move my arm slightly to move my fringe, when something fell on my arm. My first thought was some kind of giant moth or insect, which made me jump at the sudden touch. I look over to my side to see what was on my arm.

Phil. A sleeping Phil. The tip of his thumb in his mouth and his eyes flickering when shut. His precious form made me want to squish him. The things I could do to him now. Not in a sexual or creepy, murderer way, but a loving way. I want to cuddle him and never let go, squish him until he giggles. I want to fall asleep on each other, get entangled in each other legs.

I want to be able to kiss his forehead goodnight. Wait. I could. I can't. But I mean I could... The thought is oh so tempting and one of the things, I could get away with easily. Only I would know! I can't, no, it would be weird, and the thought would stick with me for all eternity and the guilt of something oh so small would haunt me for the remaining years of my life.

Wait this is wrong. I mean I barely know him! We met what? Less than a week ago, and I am already dreaming of the things I could do to the boy! I mean I am amazed that, he even spoke to me in the first place. As anyone could tell by the sight of me, I am not the most popular of people. I had 2 friends. 2. Most people would have more than that, in their first day of nursery!

I suddenly feel Phil's head rub against my arm, in the same way a cat would. I shiver at the feeling and smile down at the fragile looking boy. His thumb was still in his mouth but his head rubbing had caused his fringe to mess up. Without thinking twice, I slowly and carefully moved his fringe away from his eyes and face, watching as his face relax at the clearing of the hair.

Suddenly his eyes flickered open and he looked up to see me staring down at him. I watched as he looked down, quickly removing his thumb and looked around the den. He then looked back at me and smiled, yawning slightly and rubbing his eyes.

"Must have fell asleep" He shyly spoke, making my smile at him and slightly giggle. "Yeah you did" I laughed. He got out his phone and switched the screen on, then immediately jumped up, and with a slightly panicked expression.

"I'm sorry, I've got to go, my mum is very overprotective and doesn't like me walking home in the dark." He spilled, standing up and exiting the den, and I follow behind him. I look outside to see how dark it is and immediately think how cold it was. Phil had come in only a t shirt and I can't have him walking home in just that!

My motherly instinct kicks in and I tell Phil to stay put for 30 seconds, I run upstairs to my wardrobe and look at the selection of jumpers. I choose an oversized red one, which I would give to Phil to borrow. I ran down the stairs and hand Phil the jumper.

"What? Oh, I'm fine really!" Phil exclaimed trying to hand me back the jumper. I put my hands behind my back to stop him from handing me the jumper and shake my head, refusing to speak until he puts on the jumper.

"Really Dan! I will be fine!" He says again, yet I refuse to let him go out in the cold. He then rolls his eyes and puts the jumper over his head, the sleeves hanging over his hands, and the jumper reaching his bum. He looked adorable.

"Aww" I exclaim aloud and quickly shut my mouth, clearing my throat. Hoping he didn't hear, though by the red on his cheeks that matched the jumper, I think he did. "Happy now?" he smiled, and I frantically nodded smiling.

I opened the door, and held it open as Phil walked out, carrying his bag on his back and his phone in hand, and him untangling his headphones at the same time. When he had finished untangling the wire, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Well thanks for helping me and all, oh and for that amazing den! This was one the best days over at a friends' house. Plus I've never met anyone who is up for watching Disney!" He giggled. "Anyway, I will go now" he smiled.

He turned around and I waved him off. Not even 2 metres from my front door, he stops and turns around. I looked at him confused and watch as he runs back and wraps his arms around my necks and embraces me tightly, his face against my chest.

The hug lasted 3 seconds, yet I wanted it longer. I smiled as he let go and walked away waving his hand towards me, smiling and shouting goodbye several times. As I see him disappear, I was just about to shut the door when I hear a few final words from Phil:

"See you online or in school!" I giggle at his final words, then shut the door and got to clearing the den. 


Okay I now this is not the best, but I wanted to update this story! The next update may be a while from now! sorry! 

Hey if any of you could comment small situations the two could be in, please comment or tweet me or even anon me on Tumblr! I would include as many as I could in future chapters as I need some things to spice us the story ;)


Twitter: @ dottymathers

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