"They're Alive!"

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Max hardly moved as she heard someone yelling "MAX! MAX! Wake up!" "Hu-uh?.." Max was trying to move her leg but couldn't. It was stuck on something. She finally woke up and noticed Chloe shaking her. "N-Nathan.." Chloe got Max out of the car and they started running towards the junk yard.
Nathan anxiously listened to the phone in hope of a response from either one of them. He hung up his phone and immediately redialed. He muttered a curse under his breath as he noticed the low battery sign appear on his phone.
"Shit. My phone fucking broke in that crash!" Chloe grabbed her phone from her pocket and quickly gave it to Max. Max dialed Nathan's number. Panting, "Nathan! Pick up the god damn phone." He started to get paranoid from the phone not being answered. Just as he was about to put his phone away, he heard his ringtone. A strange number appeared on the screen. He cautiously answered. "Hello ?"
"Thank god Nathan! T-There was a doe in the street.. Chloe hit the breaks but we swerved and I don't remember what happened n-next." Panting she looked up and realized they were almost to the junk yard. Max ran as fast as she could.
"Holy shit are you alright?" He expressed the concerned tone in his voice. Nathan slowly got out of the car, and took a seat on the hood of it instead.
"Yah. Just a nose bleed and a hurt leg but I'm running as fast as i can fucking run. We're almost there."
"Fuck Max, where exactly are you? I'll come to you instead. You definitely shouldn't be running after climbing out of a fucking car wreck." He joked lightly. Nathan stood up and started walking to the entrance of the junk yard.
"We're almost there. We can make it. I'm-I'm fine." Max's run slows to a stop as she grabs her pounding head. "Oh my god! Max are you ok?! Your nose is bleeding?!" Max falls to the ground. Chloe picked her up and carried her to the junk yard.
Nathan sighs and hangs up his phone. He awkwardly stood around the entrance for a couple minutes, before seeing Chloe carrying a bloody Max. Nathan breaks out into a sprint to them and assesses the wounds. "Shit...I told her to wait for me instead. How long was she out for?" He asked, sounding worried and looking freaked out.
"About an hour in the wreck. She just passed out now but this is usual sinc--" Chloe quickly stopped talking in order to keep Max's power a secret. "Uh.. She'll prob-probably wake up in a few minutes..."
Nathan was a bit suspicious of the sudden change of words, but he kept it to the back of his head for now. It definitely wasn't as important at the moment. Nathan shivered as the sharp breeze nipped his neck. "We should probably look for shelter unless we want to freeze to death."
"Your right. Uh.. Maybe we can go to the diner? That might not be a ruin. Or maybe we could jump start this car?" Chloe kept shaking Max trying to wake her up. Wondering if she was having a vision or if this was because of the wreck. Could Max still time travel?
"I could give it a shot. I'd rather not walk to the diner now. You can just let her rest inside of it for now." He murmured. Nathan propped open the hood of the car. "Ever jumped a car?"
"Yah. Had to a few times with my truck. Piece of junk. But we'll need some cables. Maybe we can find some." Chloe shakes Max one last time before putting her in the car. Chloe starts to look around constantly glancing back at Max wanting to be there when she woke up.
Nathan noticed the longing look she gave to Max. "Just stay here and keep an eye on here. I'll take a look for the wires." He responded to her before popping open the hood of another close by car.
"Um.. Thanks..." Chloe said this in a state of shock. Thinking he might want to look after her and not want to look for wires. "I wonder if there are any other survivors.
"Nathan raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "I'm not always a piece of shit Chloe, give me some credit." He joked. Nathan started detaching a cord, only to notice it was destroyed. Sighing, he placed it back and moved onto another car. "Fuck, I hope there are. I can't imagine what could even cause a shit storm like this."
As soon as Nathan said those words Chloe froze. Wondering if she should tell him or wait for Max to wake up... "Uh.. Yah I wonder... Go check that car over there. I remember me and Rac-Rachel trying to jumpstart that one. There should be some cables."
Nathan gave her a light smile. "Thanks. I'll check it out." He walked up the car Chloe was referring to. As he did, he felt a grain of dirt fall into his eye. He ran his hand through his messy hair in attempt to clear out as much dirt as possible from before. The thought still made him sick. Nevertheless, he pried open the car hood and rummaged for the wire.
Chloe shook Max over and over attempting to wake her up. She shook and shook until Max started to rustle. "NATHAN!! She's moving!!"
Nathan slightly jumped from the sudden calling of his name. He dropped what he was working on, and made his way back to them. He stood next to Chloe and awaited the following events.
"C-Chloe? N-Nathan? Where am I? What happened? Your, your mom, and David, and Warren! They're alive! We need to get to the diner now!" Max was yelling. She was freaking out. The vision seemed to real to her. Hugging and crying and laughing. "Oh my god. Max. They're alive?! I can't believe it!"

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