"What the fuck just happened Max.."

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          Everything was happening so fast. Before Warren could even do anything, Max fell onto him, bleeding to death. Warren desperately tried to catch his breath in between his sobs as he pressed against her wound. "S-Someone help her!"
          David was too late to realize, and before he knew it everything was suddenly going black. His vision began to fade away as he stumbled down to the ground, and fell unconscious.
          Nathan bent over, clutching the wounded area. "What the fuck Frank!" He yelled out, looking furious. He never would've expected Frank to suddenly outlash at him like that.
          Chloe ran over to Warren and Max. "Do you have any first aid left?" Chloe was crying as she and Warren began to pick her up and carry her inside. "What the fuck just happened Max.." Chloe murmured.
          Joyce ran over to David "My god David! Wh-what happened?!"
          Frank had started running away. He didn't look back. "Fuck." He said as turned the corner. He had the gun with him. He was planning to secretly stay behind the group. He knew Max would survive a shot to the shoulder. He wanted to take her when she least expects it. He knew her secret. And he wanted to use it to his advantage. He was going to take her, when she was alone.
         Warrens hands trembled as they carried in unconscious Max. They carefully set her on the counter top. Warren grabbed a rag from behind the counter and tied it around the wound to slow the blood loss.
          David lay unconscious on the ground outside.
          Nathan thought of his options and their outcomes. He could chase after Frank, but he'd rather not die unless he had to. Or he could at least help bring David inside so he doesn't fall into hypothermic shock. Nathan walked over to Joyce and David. "I'll help you take him inside." He murmured.
Chloe worried if she'd make it. It was just her shoulder but Max could be put in shock. She was loosing so much blood. It wasn't normal. She had never been shot before.
"Uh, o-okay." She lifted up David with the little strength she had. She wasn't exactly the most athletic person. "Thanks.."
After finishing that up, Warren went around searching the dinner high and low for any sort of first aid kit. After spotting a box full of health equipment, he hurried back with it. "I-I don't think we can take the bullet out. I mean, we don't have any supplies for that." He fumbled with his words. He started pulling out gauze wrap and cleaning alcohol.
Nathan nodded and remained inaudible. He wasn't the strongest either, especially since he was still recovering from the previous overdose. But he managed to carry David inside with Joyce. They carefully set him up in one of the booths, since he wasn't actually injured, and would wake up soon enough. Nathan looked over to Max, looking worried. "Is she any better..?" He hesitantly asked Chloe.
"We have to take it out or she'll never stop bleeding." Chloe spotted some extra long tweezers in the kit. "There's some tweezers right there." Chloe cried as she said that. This was going to be hard. She would have to stick a metal object into Max's shoulder. "What does it look like Nathan?"
"Thank you, Nathan." She sat down next to David. Almost forgetting everything that had just happened. Until she remembered Max. "Chloe, is she better?"
Warren covered his mouth with his sleeve, as if he were to vomit any minute. Backing away, and shaking his head he looked up at Chloe. "I can't do that..."
Nathan glared at Chloe. "This isn't the time for your attitude. I was asking out of flat out generosity." He looked over to Max's body and all of the tools laid out.
          "Well I can't do it alone.." Max glared back at Nathan. "Well than. Do you want to help me take the bullet out Nathan?"
          Warren looked back up to Chloe and Nathan after staring at Max's paling body. They had to act now. Sure, the shot wasn't deadly, but if they all just stood around, she could easily bleed to death. "I-I could try.."
          Nathan looked over to Chloe. "You want me to pull out a bullet? With my shaking hands?" He held up his hands and showed her how they trembled. "How about I guide you through it instead? I have some experience with it." Nathan sat on the counter next to Max, leaning over the wound, trying to get a look at the bullet.
           "Well excuse me Nathan. Don't you see all of our hands are 'shaking'?" Nathan was making Chloe excruciatingly angry. "Are you too baby to do it? This is a situation that calls for fucking 'drastic measures'!!" Chloe got up and walked torward him ignoring Warren. Chloe took her fist to his face.
          "WOAH! Chloe stop!" Joyce ran up between them and held up her hands. "You two better stop this nonsense now. What did he do to you anyways Chloe?"
          "Well for one, he held a gun up to my face a week ago. He also beat up Warren on the exact same day. OH! And don't forget he fucking killed Rachel!!" She lunged at him and before Joyce could stop her. She punched him again in his stomach.
"I'd rather not fuck her up if I dont have to." He glared at her. He ignored her small insults. Normally he'd be furious by them, but there were too many things on his mind right now. Suddenly Nathan stood up when he watched Chloe approaching him. He had started to back away, but was too slow before her fist impacted his face. Nathan stumbled back and reached out to a chair to catch himself from colliding with the floor. Nathan tried to crumble up his body to avoid as much direct pressure. He held up his hands, but didn't do much to avoid her hits. He desperately coughed out and gasped for breath in between sobs. "Please- stop.." He choked out.
Joyce grabbed Chloe to stop her from hitting Nathan again. "Chloe stop. You need to help Max right now." Joyce went over to Max and pulled Chloe with her. "You and I are doing this now."
Chloe sat down next to her mom. Joyce held open the wound, making Chloe pull the bullet out. Chloe grabbed the tweezers. "Can't you do this part?"
Joyce grabbed Chloe to stop her from hitting Nathan again. "Chloe stop. You need to help Max right now." Joyce went over to Max and pulled Chloe with her. "You and I are doing this now."
Chloe sat down next to her mom. Joyce held open the wound, making Chloe pull the bullet out. Chloe grabbed the tweezers. "Can't you do this part?"

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