"Max! You have to stay still!"

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          Nathan quickly stood up, swaying a bit. He stumbled over to the bathrooms to hideout. He leaned against the sink exterior and glared at himself through the mirror. Great. Another set of bruises stained his body. Out of anger, he took his fist to the once solid glass, and shattered it. He clutched his bleeding fist for a moment before sitting down in the corner between the sink and wall. He pressed his knees against his chest, and rested his head on them.
          David had began to stir around in his sleep. He suddenly remembered the past event, and pried his eyes open. Looking around, he realized where he was. He stared in confusion at Chloe and Joyce surrounding a body.
         "Yes Chloe your doing 'that part'." Joyce nodded to Chloe. She didn't notice David.
          "Fine.." Chloe cringed as she put the tweezers into Max's shoulder. She was startled when Max suddenly jerked to the side. "Max! You have to stay still!"
          Max only saw the outline of Chloe and Joyce's face. She didn't hear much of what Chloe said but she got the point. All she felt was pain. And someone stabbing something into her arm. "Wha-what happened?.."
          Warren held Max's hand and looked down to her. "Max? Everything's going to be okay, you just have to stay still." He tried to calm her down, and keep her from moving much.
          David heard various voices talking. He tried to stand up, but majority of his body was still waking up. He sat back down with a grunt.
          "David?" Joyce turned around by the sound of the grunt. She was surprised he'd woke up so early. "Warren can you go over to him?"
         Chloe ignored what everyone said and just tried to get the bullet out. It was harder than she thought. "I found it!"
          "F-found what?.." Max grunted out the words. What was happening? All she remembered was kissing Warren. Then pain. Then darkness.
          "But- okay.." Warren didn't want to leave Max's side, but he should probably help David. Warren walked around the long counter and went over to David's side. "Do you need some help?" He offered David.
         David shook his head and denied the offer from Warren. He was mostly just confused on how he got inside, and why Max was lying on the table. "What's going on?" David asked.
          Nathan hid away in the bathroom, mostly trying to stay out of everyone's way.
          Joyce looked at Max. "This might be hard to take in but--, you got shot. She found the bullet."
          "Wha-what?" Max couldn't hear her very well. She heard 'shot in the shoulder' and 'bullet'. Max was wondering if she heard correctly. "Sh-shot?"
          Chloe gripped the tweezers. When the latched on to the bullet, she pulled up.
          Max screamed in pain. "What the fuck is hapening?!" She only said this in her head. She tried to stay as still as possible but it wasnt that easy.
          Warren stood back up and walked to Max's side. He needed to help her through this. He held one of her arms down.
          David shakily stood up and finally realized what they were doing. "Chloe wait, you have to be more careful. If you tear a tendon it'll just hurt more. Joyce, hold Max down." He ordered. He wasn't phased by this kind of thing. He'd seen it, had to do it, and felt it, all too many times.
          "Well than you do it David." She let go of the tweezers putting her hand in the air and stood up.
          For once Max was thankful for David and Chloe's constant fighting. When Chloe let go, her arm immediately felt better. Even though it still hurt a fucking lot.
          David sighed and sat down in the chair. He picked up the pair of tweezers with one hand, and slightly pulled the wound open with the other. He reached inside with the tweezers and managed to pull the bullet out slowly, lessoning Max's pain. He dropped the bullet on the countertop and set the tweezers down. He examined the wound for a minute. "You'll probably need stitches, but it's fine to go without then for now since the wound isn't wide. But we do have to clean it." He picked up the alcohol and some gauze. He soaked the gauze in the alcohol and pressed it onto her wound softly. "This'll sting a bit."
          Max cringed as he pulled out the bullet. It hurt alot. But not as much as when Chloe was pulling it out. "S-stitches?" Max hated the idea of stitches. She didn't want something sharp with string on it to go through her skin. She already had that done with tweezers. When David poured the alcohol on it all she did was simply say "Ow." When she was a child her mom always had to put alcohol on her cuts and scratches. Max was really clumsy. Remembering her childhood made her cry. She knew remembering crying moments made her laugh. But she never expected that remembering laughing moments made her cry.
          Max cringed as he pulled out the bullet. It hurt alot. But not as much as when Chloe was pulling it out. "S-stitches?" Max hated the idea of stitches. She didn't want something sharp with string on it to go through her skin. She already had that done with tweezers. When David poured the alcohol on it all she did was simply say "Ow." When she was a child her mom always had to put alcohol on her cuts and scratches. Max was really clumsy. Remembering her childhood made her cry. She always knew that looking back on the tears would make her laugh, but she never expected that looking back on the laughs would make her cry.


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