"You hella should Max!"

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          David frowned and looked over to Max. "Sorry, I'll try to be more brief with it. Its just that, an infection is the last thing you need right now." He said in response to her tears. He quickly wiped off any blood around the area, and carefully bandaged up the area, making sure to add extra layars around where the bullet actually went through. "I recommend you stay down and get some rest."
          "Uh, ok.." Max listened to David. She wanted to stay healthy. She tried to move back down to a chair but couldn't manage to get up. She just laid back down and stared at the roof.
          After watching Max lie back down, Chloe got up and laid down next to her. "Did you rewind time?.." she whispered so nobody could hear her. "What happened before?"
          Warren smiled at Max. "I'm gonna go check on Nathan." He walked off to the bathrooms.
          David cleaned up some of the mess caused from the accident before sitting back down in a booth with Joyce, chatting up on recent events.
          "Well..." Whispered Max, "Frank stole our car and you chased him then yelled at me to reverse time." She remembered how she told Warren 'I love you.' and how he doesn't know that she does anymore. "I also told Warren that I loved him.
Warren walked in to find Nathan sitting on the ground. Bloody shards of glass lay around him. Warren sighs at the sight. He walked back out to grab the alcohol and gauze, shortly returning back to Nathan. Warren had offered to clean his wounds for him.
Nathan couldn't understand why Warren was helping him, but he didnt really mind it. He sat silently and let Warren clean his wounds before covering up some of the open and obvious ones with some gauze.
"Y-you did? What did he say?" Chloe was astonished. Max. Max told Warren that? She thought Max didn't like him.
"Well.. He was kinda surprised. He asked if i really did." Max didn't remember the moment very well. So much had already happened. "Should I tell him again?.."
"You hella should Max! You two would make the perfect couple!"
"Chloe.. Could you turn the volume down a notch? Wowsers."
          Warren and Nathan had a subtle chat. Nathan explained to him the whole Jefferson story, and how he got involved with it. After hearing all of that, Warren was able to convince Nathan to come back and join the rest of the group. The two of them walked back into the main part of the dinner. Nathan took a seat in one of the far side booths. Warren had approached Max with his usual goofy grin. "Feeling any better, Mad Max?"
          Max gave Warren the stink eye. "Better than before." She grinned at Warren. "What about you?"
          "As long as you're alright, I am too." Warren chuckled. He was relieved to see Max back to her usual self.
          Max blushed. She didn't know what to say. So she just kept staring at the ceiling. "So."
Warren's smile disappeared. He sighed and looked worried. "Where were you Max? I was freaking out about you during that wacko storm."
"Well.. Has Nathan told you about the 'dark room' yet?" She felt ashamed that that's where she and Chloe hid. After what happened that's the place she wanted to go to the least. But it was also the safest.

Life is Strange: After the StormWhere stories live. Discover now