"I can prove it."

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Nathan sighed of relief. He was beyond happy to hear the positive news. This just meant they needed to hurry up and fix one of these cars. Nathan thought for a bit, despite the effect Jeffersons drugs left on Nathan, he was unable to put together an answer. "How do you know their alright?" "Um.. I-I don't know.... I guess I, um, I'll tell you later..."
Max was trying to come up with an answer to tell Natan but couldn't. She would have to tell him at one point. "What are you looking for anyways?.."
Nathan was unsatisfied with the answer, but he let it slide for now just in case anyone at the diner was in trouble, and they had to be there in a hurry. He looked back at her. "Just a jumper cable for the car."
"I'll help" Max started to get up but Chloe quickly told her to sit down. While Nathan was looking away, she whispered, "Max. We need to tell him. He's getting suspicious." "Ok.. Nathan! We have something to tell you..."
Nathan looked back to them with confusion and curiosity written on his face. "Well? What is it..?" He cautiously asked. At this point, it could literally be anything. His mind branched out in vivid thoughts and wild guesses.
Max swallowed to get rid of the lump in her throat and slowly began. "Um, Nathan.. I caused this storm.. A week ago i saved you from killing Chloe by pulling the fire alarm. I saw you shoot her 3 different times.. Nathan, I can time travel."
Nathan was beyond shocked and confused. He thinks back to the day when he was in the bathroom with Chloe. He shook his head in disbelief. "You saw me...kill Chloe..?" He slowly asked. He remembers how agitated he was that day, but he would never actually kill Chloe. Right? As soon as Max mentioned the words "time travel", he knew it was a joke. "Are you feeling alright Max? A concussion from the crash could give off hallucinations."
"Nathan. I'm serious. T-That day I was hiding behind the stalls I saw you shoot her. And then I ended up in Mr. Jefferson's class." Max stared deeply into Nathan's eyes. "He thinks this is a joke." Max thought in her head. "N-Nathan. You need to believe me. I can prove it."
Nathan laughed lightly. He was genuinely interested in seeing on how Max could possibly prove such an abstract concept to him. "Alright, I'm waiting." This all seemed bizarre to him. Could this just be Max's way of revenge? A crazy joke like this?
"Ok. In 30 seconds a gust of wind will shoot papers everywhere." Max waited 30 seconds and all of a sudden a hurricane of papers rushed through them. "In 2 minutes a bug will crawl up Chloe's boot" In  2 minutes a bug began to climb up her leg. "In 50 seconds that sign will spark." Within 50 seconds a huge spark came from the broke sign. "Believe me now?"
Nathan silently waited and watched the events play out exactly as Max said they would. It took him a moment to say anything afterwards. "Holy fuck Max, you weren't kidding.." He stared at her in amusement.
"I caused this storm. Saving Chloe caused it. S-She gave me the choice to sacrifice Arcadia Bay or sacrifice he--" Max broke into tears. How could he ever forgive her for this. She killed everyone, just to save 1 person.

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