Chapter 1

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April 24, 2018 - 3 years ago

It is my birthday. Of course, my friends, Chelsea and Emma want to take me out for fucking drinks. I'm twenty-one today and all they want to do is make me remember my twenty-first to be filled with drinking and partying at a club, of course.

"You ready?" Chelsea asks, walking in my bathroom.

I finish putting my hair in a ponytail and nod. Chelsea rolls her eyes.

"Let's go then. Emma's waiting."

We walk out of my house and to my car. Emma's already waiting, just like Chelsea said.

"For fucks sake, it took you long enough." Emma says, putting a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Sorry," I muttered, putting the key in. Then, we were off to the club.

"This is it?" I said, looking at the people walking into the building.

Emma nodded her head. "The best in New York."

"Maybe we all can get lucky tonight," Chelsea said, getting out of the car.

Emma laughed. "I doubt it, but birthday girl definitely will." She said, winking at me playfully.

"Nope, most likely not. Plus, I'm not one for one night stands." I said, shrugging and continuing to walk.

"I didn't say it would be a one night stand," Chelsea smirked.

"Shut the hell up. Now, where are these friends of yours?" I said, walking through the doors of the club, looking around immediately.

The club was booming. People grinding on top of each other, music blaring, and shots being served. Drunk people were scattered everywhere in the place. It was crazy.

"Oh! Here they are!" Chelsea said, motioning us to a small group of people.

We walked towards them, me trailing behind where they couldn't see me.

"Hey guys," Emma said, looking at the dark- haired boy with chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey," he replied back, and soon all of them were in their own conversation.

They didn't seem to notice I was behind them and I was okay with that. I was never the person to talk in groups or have many friends. Hell, I didn't even go to many clubs or parties until I met Chelsea and Emma. I was a very independent person and liked being that way.

"Ellie, this is Zayn." Chelsea said, motioning to the dark-haired boy. I noticed he had a couple tattoos scattered across his chest and arms. He was attractive.

As the boy, now known as Zayn, waved at me, Chelsea spoke again. "And this is Louis and Virginia." She motioned to a brunette boy with very messy hair and a blonde haired girl, that had very little clothing on.

The girl, now known as Virginia, scanned me down until she met my brown eyes. She smiled.

Louis looked around and back at me. "We are missing one, and he always does this. Damn. I guess you'll see him sometimes around here." He said, in a British accent, just like Zayn.

"Oh yeah, Ellie. He always goes missing, but I'm just warning you. He can be a total ass. Well, he is a total ass." Emma said, laughing.

The others nodded and agreed.

A couple of hours later, I was drunk. I knew it after 5 straight shots of vodka because I couldn't think at all and my words were meshed together. Emma and Chelsea were also drunk, but worse than me. Zayn and Virginia were nowhere to be seen.

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