Chapter 8

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June 18th, 2018- 3 years ago

I didn't think I could do this, but I am. Harry's in his suit, all readied up to go to the base, sitting besides me in the car. Niall and the other had said their goodbyes before we left, but Emma and Chelsea didn't appear, along with Zayn and Virginia. Knowing they'd start drama if they came, I was glad they didn't.

Harry seemed fidgety. He seemed to move non-stop in his seat, either running his hand through his curls or crossing his leg over the other, not comfortable. Making me uncomfortable, I opened my mouth to speak.

"Where are you stationed to?" I quietly asked, making Harry's head snap up.

"Somewhere in Asia," He paused to look at the road. "It's classified," He murmured the last part.

Nodding my head, I looked at the clock. It was a quarter till nine, and Harry had to be there a quarter after nine. We still had another ten minutes to go, and I had my last ten minutes before Harry left. Time had gone by so fast with him, and I was afraid of so many things.

I was afraid that he would forget me while fighting. I was afraid of him getting hurt. I was afraid of him changing, and I was afraid of myself changing. Both of us were afraid of changing and losing ourselves, but I was afraid, I couldn't forget Harry Styles. Even though I had only known him for very little time, he became a very big part of my life and change. I can never forget that.

"Quit thinking about it," Harry murmured, putting his large hand on the side of his face, resting his head on it.

"About what?" I asked dumbfounded, quickly taking a glance at Harry.

He had a small frown on his face and his eyes were narrowed at the road. "Me going away and everything. El, stop worrying."

"I can't," I whispered, running my hand through my hair. "You know it's going to be tough," I shook my head.

"Of fucking course. It's going to be tough," He ran his hand through his curly strands. "It's going to be tough for me too, Ellie."

"It's going to be hard for all of us, Harry," I said obviously. I continued to drive, dreading when Harry was going to leave.

"I know," He mumbled, looking at his lap. "Remember our promise, though," He looked up at me, grin on spread across his face.

"I'm not going to break it," A small smile appeared across my face. "Never in a million years."

"But what about after those million years?" He teased, adjusting his boot. "You're going to break the promise after that?"

"Never in forever," I said, not really understanding what I was saying.

Harry seemed to ponder over what I had said because he was quiet the next few seconds, maybe a minute. He pursed his lips, hands folded on his lap, and leaned back in his seat, still thinking. A smirk then appeared on his face as he leaned forward in his seat.

"Rare," He mumbled, looking out the window.

I let out a huge breath, shaking my head at what he had said. Harry started laughing, noticing my reaction.

"What? It's the truth," He held in his laughter.

"What the hell do you mean by rare?"

"Like I said earlier, you'll see soon," He grinned cheesily and turned his head to look out the window.

"Someday, I'm going to have a name for you Harry, and you won't like it," I rolled my eyes, noticing we were at the base.

"I can't wait!" He cheered, opening the door and getting out of the car. I watched him as he grabbed his duffel bag and shutting the door.

Quickly, I scurried out of my seat and to Harry's side. I couldn't go any farther than the base because I just couldn't. Anything could happen and they didn't want to take risks. Harry turned around to face me, eyes softening and duffle bag in his hand. He dropped it immediately and embraced me in a hug.

His smell intoxicated my nose, the vanilla and peppermint coming through. My arms went around his waist while his went around my shoulders. It was quite a warm embrace, but I slowly pulled apart, being embraced with the coldness.

"Harry," I whispered softly, flickering my eyes up to his.

"El," A small smile spread across his face, and then his arms brought me in. His arms wrapped around my waist, and all of a sudden, our chests were touching and my breath was increasing, along with Harry's.

We didn't do anything for what felt like a while, but it was only a mere two minutes or so. Staring into my brown orbs, Harry cleared his throat and moved his hands down from my waist to my hips. Slowly, I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely. Our faces were slowly brought together until our foreheads were touching and I could feel Harry's hot breath across my face.

"I really don't want to do this," He paused, making me look at him. "But I'm afraid I am going to have to because I won't see you in fourteen months," I looked at him questionably, but before I could open my mouth to ask what the hell he was talking about, Harry's soft lips were on mine.

It all seemed so sudden, but I fell instantly. I immediately returned the pressure and he brought out bodies closer, if possible. His hands slowly unweaved from my waist to cup my cheeks while mine remained around his neck. But, as he slowly licked my bottom lip for an entrance, it was all over. Harry quickly pulled away, teasing me from what he had just done with a small, innocent smile on his face.

I was so fucking breathless. I felt as if I was floating. Floating in mid air above the clouds. I felt on a different level, and breathless. Sure, I had kissed a couple guys before Harry, but it a kiss never left me like that. Never, and that seemed to mean something.

He quickly turned his head to look at the base, and back to me.

"I've got to go," His nose nudged against mine. "I wish we could have had so much more time," He pulled away, leaning down to grab his bag.

"I do too," I whispered, watching him stand up.

"Goobye, El," Harry grabbed my waist with one hand, pulling me to his chest. He quickly pecked my lips, and then, all in a blur, he started walking away.

"Harry," I yelled, making him turn around. "Goodbyes are for farewells, and this is not a farewell," He smiled, shaking his head and looking at the ground.

"Well then," He bit his lip, trying not to smile and looking at the ground. "What should I say?" He looked up at me, the smile winning.

I looked down at the ground, trying to not let the tears fall. My eyes were glassy and I didn't want Harry to see. A small smile appeared across my face as I looked up at him, deciding to not care. "Before you know it."

Harry's smiles grew bigger. "Okay," He paused, adjusting the strap of the bag on his shoulder. "I'll see you before you know it."

I nodded my head, and waved at him. "See you soon, Harry," He slowly turned around, walking to the gates of the base and being let in, leaving me for a while.

I couldn't see no more and didn't want to watch Harry anymore, so I quickly got in my car and drove off from that damn place. The tears fell. I couldn't be strong. The wet, hot tears fell down my face and I sobbed.

During all this time, I kept thinking I couldn't do it. This was just the start and I was going to have to deal with this for fourteen more months.

I was going to miss him, and what I learned from that situation, was the more Harry was away, the more I missed him and longed for him. But, something else struck me. The time Harry was away, minute by minute, and second by second, I was falling for him more, all at once, but slowly.

I am not much for author's notes, but I have been thinking about a change. I hate doing these, but I'm going to start doing an amount of votes and comments for the next chapter. Sorry guys.

I hope you guys liked this chapter a lot. Let me know what you think.
Votes: 10
Comments: 15

Thank you! Soon...

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