Chapter 6

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June 11th, 2018- 3 years ago

Harry leaves in 1 week. That's all I had been thinking about today. I had seven days to spend with him or a little time to talk to him. Trying not to obsess over him, I pick up a pen and try to write something. Anything at all, a poem, a story, hell a novel, but I couldn't.

He was on my mind, and I know Emma was suspicious. She had been wondering why I couldn't come over to her apartment or spend some time with Chelsea and her.

I was at the library of course, doing my job, but I was with Harry. I couldn't come to terms and tell them, though. To tell them that I was with Harry. They had still been telling me to stay away from him, but I couldn't find myself to do that. He was irresistible and truly intoxicating, and I was scared about that.

My life had somehow been involved with Harry now, and had changed drastically. I had seen him everyday since the party and spent hours talking with him. God, I loved hearing him talk though.

He could talk about anything, just anything, and you would just fall right in love. Not in love with him, but the way with his words. Rough and husky voice, the way his lips moved and pursed when he was thinking or speaking, it mysteriously brought me in. I was falling for Harry Styles.

I came to that conclusion. I wasn't falling in love with him, dear God no. I liked Harry. I liked talking to Harry, and his opinions and everything. I loved hearing his views of things and his horrible jokes, even though he thought they were funny. I still laughed to make him feel good about his jokes, though.

Harry was completely honest, but not completely open like a book. And that's was drawled me in. I thought all people were an open book and you could read them easily, but no. Harry's different and mysterious, I love that. I love the chase and the thrill of figuring him out. I love the mystery.

"Ellie, quit daydreaming about your boyfriend and have a drink," An Irish voice broke my thoughts and I immediately grinned looking at him.

"I'm not going to get drunk, Niall," I looked at his red cup filled with some type of alcohol and scrunched my nose. "But you can go have some fun with Virginia," I said, looking across the living room to nod my head at her.

She looked slutty though. Her outfit was absolutely inappropriate, showing in the spots women aren't supposed to show. She was hung all over some guy playing beer pong, and he seemed oblivious to her. I shook my head and turned back to Niall, noticing a grimace on his face.

"In her dreams," He took a sip out of his cup. "She can go mess around with Harry," He looked around the room, not realizing or caring what he had said.

I didn't say anything, but I looked down in my lap. I think Niall had an idea I liked Harry because he had seen me with him a couple of times, but the alcohol had taken effect I believe.

Harry wasn't at the party tonight nor was Zayn. I didn't know where they were. Louis, Chelsea, and Emma were though, somewhere drunk off their asses.

It was Niall's party, and it seemed one of the most intensest parties I had been to. The people were so drunk and out of control, but they were having fun, a little too much fun.

"What the hell?" I heard Niall mutter and was staring at something behind me. I turned to see what he was looking at, and what a coincidence. The boy that had been haunting my thoughts 24/7 was here, catching many people's eyes.

He had just walked through the living room with a smirk spread across his face, scanning the room. He was dressed in a crisp, black button down with a brown coat over it. Black, tight skinny jeans hugged his legs along with those black boots. His hair was in the usual messy curls style.

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