Chapter 20

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"It is freezing, and I believe that my dick has frozen off because it's so small right now."

"Stop groping yourself in public, Harry," giggling, I watched as his large hands rubbed together in attempt for warmth as we continued our walking into the mall.

I dragged him with me to shop for some Christmas items before everything ran out and I would completely forget. That tended to happen much, and now, especially with all the distractions from Harry and his friends. He claimed that he wasn't in the mood when I called him this morning, yet did agree to when I mentioned that I would be taking care of everything and he wouldn't have to talk to anybody.

"I mean, you could help with the favor when you want to," he retorted, cheekily smirking at me and drawing closer as I scrunched my nose and replied, "I'll pass."

"One day," he muttered, reaching in for my hand and scoffing as I completely pulled away to look at a dress. "Have you talked to any of your buds, lately?"

I felt his presence behind me, fingertips grazing upon my shirt-clad waist. "Yeah," he murmured, breath scattering upon the back of my neck to raise goosebumps. "They've been good, but busy with college and whatnot."

"That's great," taking his hand off from my body, I continued to search the mass expanse of dresses before me, ignoring Harry's pleads and pouts. Distractions would never cease if I kept paying attention to him.

The expanse of my legs walked as my nose picked up many flowery scents from the perfume isles. Perhaps my aunt would enjoy it, yet I found myself long gone from the isles and only shopping for myself. They never got me gifts, anyway, possibly one reason of it being that they haven't seen me in years.

"Why exactly are we here, love?"

"I told you, my Harold," turning around, I easily noticed a worker eyeing Harry, her long eyelashes fluttering as her irises would go lower. Jealousy rose inside my body, yet I dismissed it to only witness how he was oblivious to the situation and follow me.

He ignored what I said and reached for a cream dress behind me, forest eyes scanning the lace tied up in the cleavage area and squinting at the fabric. All in a quick moment, his large hand grabbed mine, other filled with the dress, and he was dragging me to a dressing room.

"Can you try this on?"


"Because you're beautiful, and this dress is beautiful, so you both belong together. Well, as well as you and I, but," he smirked at his little line, thumb rubbing my hip. I could smell the strong cologne flowing through my nose, for a moment, creating a dizziness in my head, yet dismissing it. Harry was correct, though; the dress was something I would have worn to my past homecomings, or for partying. The colour was another thing that I loved besides black, including the style.

"Fineeee," I dragged out, taking his prying hand off me with the dress.

All too later, I found it on me, walking out from the dressing room and into the waiting area. The squeakiness from my shoes easily addressed my appearance for Harry, him immediately standing up to turn and glance for a second. Eyes widened before another look took place.

"It's doesn't look goo-,"

"You're breathtaking."

"And you're a dick? Why are we saying stuff that we already know?" I replied back, narrowing my eyes and planting my hands on my sides.

Harry threw his head back and loudly groaned. "Jesus Christ, you had to ruin the moment," he shook his head. "I was actually speaking the truth."

"As was I," I joked. "But, like, I don't know," and here came the sadness. "Harry, do you like me just because you think of me as a beautiful person only or like...I don't know. I always have to ruin this, and it sucks the bad kind of dick when I do, and-,"

"You're rambling once again, Ellie. And, it's okay," he immediately ran over to me to flick off the tears. "I like you because of your mind and soul. I love your messy side and see the beauty in that, in you, in everything, and I've fallen for-for liking you, I mean. It's crazy, and you're crazy, and we're all so God damned crazy that it's okay."

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