Chapter 3

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May 18, 2018 - 3 years ago

Graduation day. Not for me, but surprisingly, it's for Emma and Chelsea. They didn't work hard, I know for sure. They weaved their way, in-and-out of college from taking shots at the bar to having sex with the guy next door. They both fucked up in college, and still are, but they made it.

I, on the other hand, was completely different. I finished my classes last year and moved to New York shortly after. I didn't fuck anybody every week. Hell, I am still a virgin. I wasn't a total suck up though and vampire.

I would go to parties and clubs, just not many. I was afraid of them because my mother had always made everything sound terrible and would make me stay home with her. She made me live in fear of my life, and I still am afraid.

Chelsea and Emma were now sitting front row of the auditorium, tapping their feet impatiently. I knew their plan. In a couple of minutes, their names would get called, and they would get their diploma. Then, straight to the club to celebrate.

They decided since the graduation ended during happy hour at the club, they would go and celebrate. Even if there wasn't a happy hour, they still would've gone. I didn't agree of course, but they somehow found a way to drag my ass there.

Their names had just been called and I could see the excitement glistening in their eyes. They didn't care about graduating. They were just excited to get out of college to have more free time. As soon as the ceremony was over, Chelsea and Emma quickly run towards me.

"Holy fuck! We're done!" Emma screamed.

I quickly reacted. "Shut the hell up. There are people that can hear you."

Chelsea laughed and Emma scowled. "Let's just get going," said Chelsea.

Soon, we were in the car, screaming to the lyrics of some random singer. I didn't know who sang the song, but the lyrics were stuck in my mind. Chelsea was driving, and seemed to press the gas pedal harder and harder every second.

"Slow down. The club is not leaving." I said, gripping onto my seat belt tightly.

"My money will be leaving more if we don't make it to happy hour, and I'm almost fucking broke." She said.

"Then, don't spend it. That's the obvious thing to do I said, feeling the motion of the car slow down.

"Shut up, Ellie. Let's go have some drinks." With that, we were out of the car and in the club.

As soon as I walked into the club, the same smell hits me. Alcohol. Smoke. Sweat. And other unknown smells.

It was not as dark as it usually was. What was crazy was I didn't know this club had booth. They seem very out of the ordinary, but something, more like someone else, caught my eye.

Louis and Zayn were sitting in the booth closest to the bar. They didn't seem to notice, but they seem captivated by the conversation. Chelsea, Emma, and I was standing in the midst of the crowd, waiting for one of us to make a move. Finally, Chelsea walks slowly toward their table, making an appearance along with Zayn and Louis's head snapping up.

"Hey guys," Chelsea says, nodding towards the two boys. They both know that each one of us, with Chelsea and am I sitting down across from the boys. I join them both, opening my mouth to speak.

"Where are the others?" I asked, looking at the space of the booth in front of me.

"Who?" Louis asks, folding his hands and putting them atop the table.

"Harry and them," I say, referring to Harry, and the girl whose name I could not remember.

"They should be-"

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