Chapter 17

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March 13th, 2019- 2 years ago

"I want a dog."

It was the truth, I did want a dog. Sadly, the horrible part was I was broke, literally. My money had been taken all from me by my mother, who took all of my money when she found out I was leaving for New York. She freaked out, saying that all the money in MY account was hers because she worked for it, so she took it away. Luckily, I had some extra cash stashed in my room and saved up, or else I don't know where I would be and what I would be doing at the moment.

The problem was I didn't know what kind of dog I wanted or when I would have the time for one. Yes, I was merely broke, but that could be solved with a couple more shifts at the library and possibly at the downtown cafe. Actually, now that I think about it, the time wouldn't be a problem because I barely go out of my house, besides stocking up for the house and my job. Sometimes hanging out with friends, but I very seldom spent my time with them.

"You want a dog?" Harry questioned beside me, chuckling and asking to see if he heard me right.

Harry didn't go home last night. It's currently three in the morning, and we haven't slept yet. Since he made his grand entrance a couple hours ago, surprising the hell out of me, we have just watched television together and made small talk. I could tell he was so tired, but he wouldn't oblige to going to bed. Offering for him to stay over at my house, I told him he could spend the night or whatever he needed to do, but he insisted on staying up all night with me.

I didn't plan on staying up all through the night. Not tired, I had decided on writing after going to the restaurant with Niall and Louis, but everything changed when Harry came. I guess since I hadn't seen Harry in a while and standing out in the cold, my eyes opened up and the idea of Harry being here physically and beside me, I just couldn't believe it. The situation woke me up, and I was positive that I would be sleeping better since I knew he was here. That doesn't mean I stopped worrying about him because I will always worry about him.

"Yeah, I think I want a dog," I said, putting my feet on top of his lap and turning my attention on the television.

That damn yogurt commercial was back on and I immediately scowled. I hated commercials so much. Harry and I just wanted to know what the hell was going on with the news, and I was a very impatient person. Commercials are okay, but after about five of them that last more than three damn minutes, I have had enough. A show that's only on for half an hour shouldn't have so many damn commercials. It is absolutely ridiculous, and I think Harry agreed from the way he was anticipating that the weather would come on, but another commercial would appear, and he would groan quite loudly.

"You know," Harry brought me out of my trance, his hand messing with my toes in an odd way. "I was going to knock on your door to make it a surprise and ask you to help me with that snowman," He continued to fiddle with my toes.

Shaking my head and laughing, I opened my mouth to speak. "You sure scared the hell out of me, more like a nightmare."

"I scared you?" Harry put his free hand on his chest, where his heart was. "I am so flattered, Ellie Parker. You can't even imagine my happiness at the moment."

I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or truthful. He seemed so sincere about it, but the last part really make me question myself. That's the thing about Harry: You can't really tell his he is telling the truth or a lie. His emotions and actions are such a mystery to me, as does himself.

"You shouldn't be happy, you should be worried," I took a bite of the now even colder, pizza. "I was about to put a shovel to your head until I saw it was you."

A loud chuckle came from beside me, and I felt Harry's hand cease their movements from my feet. Turning my head to see the commotion, he was laughing his ass off, and God, he looked so mesmerizing.

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