Chapter 2

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May 3, 2018 - 3 years ago

Book after book, I hand them out. I absolutely love my job, but sometimes I hate it. Not because I get tired of being a librarian, but because of the fucking noise when kids don't know how to shut the hell up.

I really didn't know what I wanted to do with my life though, and I still don't. I finished college, got a degree, but completely changed my mind at the last second. I usually... well... always read while at the library and working. I love reading new stories. It's amazing.

I slowly get up and manoeuvre through the aisles to return the book. I quickly put it back and try to pass the people walking through. The bell at the desk had rang, signalling a person was waiting. Finally, I moved to my desk and logged in on the computer. I looked at the desk, waiting for the book to be placed.

"I'm sorry, I-" I tried to apologize, but was interrupted.


I looked up at the person to be met with confused, forest green eyes and brown curls. I immediately knew who it was from the voice. Deep and husky.

"Harry," I said, grinning.

"Well, this is such a coincidence," he said chuckling and placing the book on the desk.

I hummed, grabbing his book.

"What? You thinking I'm stalking you or something?" he spoke again, making me smile.

"No." I shook my head and chuckled.

"Then what is it?"

I scanned his book and put it back on the counter, to look up at him. He had this frown on his face, his hand fiddling with the rings on his other hand.

I shrugged and smiled. "Nothing. I just thought I wouldn't see you again."

"Really? We just chatted a week ago, and my friends are friends with your friends," he said, pretending to look offended.

"No," I said, and laughed. "I didn't think I would see you at a library, the next time we saw each other."

"You can't get rid of me that fast. And what the hell is that supposed to mean? I fucking read." He pretended to be angry.

"Harry, you're holding up the line," I said, pointing behind him to the people lined up. He turned to look and then back at me.

"And? Your point?" he asked, smirking. He knew what he was doing.

"I can't have this conversation right now," I said, moving his book aside.

"Then let's talk tonight."

"What?" I said, motioning the next person to come forward to the desk.

"Meet me at the coffee shop around the corner tonight around 6," he moved to grab his book.

"Very smooth, but fine."

"Ha, I knew I could get you to agree," he replied, pointing his book at me and putting it back at his side. As he walked closer to the exit he called out, "See you tonight," and with that, he was out the door.

The cold wind beat against my bare arms harshly, making me shiver. The weather always puzzled me. One moment it was sunny, the next, it was snowing. Quickly I walk over to the coffee shop and open the door to be met with the nice, warm air. I scan the area, looking for Harry, but not met by his appearance.

Not many people were there, only a few seemed to have somebody joining them. I was shocked. All of the other coffee shops I had been to were full at this hour, people spilling from the seats, creamy liquid dribbling down their chins and the edges of their mugs. All the tables were nearly empty here. I wondered what could possibly set this shop apart from the others I had been to. Guess this one was different.

I walked over to one of the booths and sat down. I didn't order anything, because I was never really a coffee person, nor was I thirsty or hungry. I pulled my phone out from the pocket of my jeans and checked my messages just to waste time. As I was going to click on Chelsea's new message, a voice stopped me.

"Ellie," a voice scared the shit out of me.

I looked up. He was dressed in a black button down shirt with a brown coat thrown over. His brown curls seemed tamed, rather than messy as usual, and black skinny jeans wrapped tightly around his legs, holed up at the knees, along with brown, scuffed up boots.

"Harry." I smiled.

"Are you bored?" he said, motioning to my phone with a frown on his face.

My eyebrows furrowed. "No, I was just checking my messages."

"Oh," he said, looking at the booth and sitting down.

"So," he spoke again, making me look up. "Back to our conversation earlier." He gave an amused look.

"I meant I thought I would see you at a club or party or something like that," I said, getting straight to the point.


"What the hell do you mean why?"

"Why do you think you would see me at a party or club or something like that?" he said, quoting my words.

"I just thought my friends would meet up with your friends at a club, since that's where we first met. Also, Chelsea and Emma love to party all the time," I added.

He hummed in response, and then he smirked. "Why didn't you think you would ever see me at a library?"

I looked down at my lap and smiled. "I didn't think you were a reading type of person."

I looked back up to see his smirk now gone. He was smiling, just like me.

"I'm not," he paused. "I just have to read a book for my finals and I was looking for it. I absolutely hate reading." He scowled after he spoke.

I laughed. "I love to read."

"What is your favourite thing to read?" he asked, setting his hands in the table and folding them together.

"What? My favourite book?"

"No," he shook his head. "What's your favourite thing to read about?"


"Wow, that's depressing."

I laughed again. "I don't know; I guess the books that I read need to have some sadness in them. I don't know, I'm weird." I chuckled nervously.

"No, not weird. Rare."

"Rare?" I questioned, scrunching my nose up at the word.

"Yeah, rare." Harry nodded, and smiled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, frowning.

"You'll find out soon enough," he said, and pulled out his phone.

He looked at it, then put it back in his jean pocket, standing up. "Damn, I'm sorry, El. I have to go."

"Okay," I replied, standing up as well.

"Bye El," He said, walking out the door.

"Bye Harry."

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