Chapter 13

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August 29th, 2018- 3 years ago

The thing I absolutely despise is not getting a response. To anything really, such as when you ask someone a question and all you are left with is silence. Another one is when someone sends you a text asking something or telling you something, and you get nothing. No response or anything that tells the sender that you got the message. When I was younger, around thirteen, I had this friend, best friend to be more specific. We were sitting in my English teacher's classroom, trying to clown around and not get caught by the teacher, whose name I cannot remember for some reason. My best friend sat in the chair behind me, so I would easily turn my body around to speak to her. I recall doing just that, and then I asked her about a boy that we both had a small crush on.

"Have you talked to Adam any?" I whispered, directing my eyes to the teacher to make sure she didn't notice. She wasn't paying any attention. Her eyes were scanning the papers in front of her, pen in hand.

Adam was the boy who I thought I was hopelessly in love with. And I was thirteen. Pay attention to where I said 'thought.' Adam had dark, almost black hair. It was styled into this straight hairdo, and he had dark, brown eyes, just like me. But, his eyes had some livelihood to them, mine didn't. My eyes were lifeless and boring, they had no color or feeling to them. They still don't.

Adam was extremely lanky and skinny. He had this dark tint to his skin, which I do recall was from his grandmother who was Native American. He had braces on his pearl, white teeth. Along with the braces, he always sported a gold chain that hung around his neck.

"Umm," Anna, my best friend, hesitated, looking at the teacher and back to me. That's when it clicked. She knew something and that's why she didn't look me in the eye. Her eyes had this worried look in them, and they were creased in the corners. She bit her lip, now looking at the ground, thinking.

"I have, actually," Her gaze met mine, still biting her lip. "I talk to him everyday and so do you. We're all friends here."

I shook my head, checking to see if the teacher was looking. "You know what I'm saying, Anna," I whispered, my eyebrows furrowing in the process.

"Ellie, I haven't talked to him," She whispered. "That much," She added, looking at the top of her old, wooden desk.


She had never told me that she had been talking to him. All these thoughts were running through my mind. How long had she been talking to him? Was she lying? Was she even telling the truth? Did Adam like Anna? My questions weren't answered though because Anna and I had been caught talking. We were shushed, but the teacher got up to teach another lesson. After that class, I had asked Anna countless questions about what had happened, but she never gave me an answer. She was afraid of my reaction and if I was going to get mad because she knew.

Anna was the kind of best friend that would just worry about herself and her social status. If you needed to somebody to keep a secret, she wasn't the person even though she was my best friend. Sadly, our friendship didn't carry on to the end like we always promised each other. She was too involved with the wrong people and partying. Steering herself off the wrong path of the road, while I was still having trouble staying on it. I'm not saying I was an angel or anything, because I wasn't.

I'm sure this is how Harry is feeling currently, but I'm not positive. When I first met Harry, he seemed distant to me. He kept his feelings and emotions hidden, and he still does. I just think that he has let loose and opened up a little. For one thing, I didn't read his letter or send him anything back. He must be extremely pissed or just plain worried.

I think I know why I didn't read it or want to read it. The feeling, the tears, the crying. I was sick of all that shit, and tired of all the drama. Niall and Louis seemed so worried, but I honestly felt like they weren't. They acted like they cared, but they just wanted the drama to be solved.

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