Chapter 19 [TBBAM]

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I recommend going back two chapters to reread if you have forgotten where the story let off before you start this chapter.

I woke up the morning wincing as the sun rays that filtered through the curtains hit my eyes. I saw through my eyelids that Carter was lying on the couch next to the bed that I was currently lying down my heart clenched tightly as last night's events flashed back into my head. My eyes filled with tears, my mind was reeling from yesterday's events, Luke's confession, Carter saying he loved me- Movement from the couch next to the bed immediately made my eyes go back shut. I could hear Carter groan as he got out of bed, sitting up, I watched through the corner of my eye as he made his way to the bathroom, I heard a loud bang sound and flinched as he hissed, "Fucking door." Before he closed the bathroom door. As soon as he entered the toilet, I immediately sat up, pulling my legs to myself. I was dressed in his basketball jersey, and it smelt so much like him that it was as though he was right next to me.


My parents must have been so worried. I quickly whipped out my cellphone as I checked for any miss calls. There were 5 miss calls from Luke and 10 messages from him. My parents must have gotten too drunk yesterday to remember my existence. I heard the water running in the shower and sighed as I unlocked my phone, to check my messages. It was filled with apologizes from Luke and I couldn't help but feel a pang a sadness knowing that our friendship would never be the same anymore.

Isabelle, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you I couldn't help it. I will stay away from you until you are comfortable enough to talk to me about it. I am honestly sorry.


I leaned against the headboard and closed my eyes. Why did it have to be so hard, if only Carter never came into my life- oh but how life would be so different if he didn't come, I wouldn't have known how to take risks and know that there was so much more to life that what meets the eye.

I remembered so clearly how he looked at me, eyes filled with betrayal as he saw me kiss Luke, every memory of yesterday was an arrow straight into my heart. I heard the shower stop running and held my breath as I heard shuffling and the toilet door open, he had a towel on his hair as he was drying his damp hair and another towel hanging loosely on his waist. I swallowed an uneasy breath as he caught my eye.

He stood there for a second before clearing his throat," Oh, hey. You're awake." A tint of blush dusted his cheek as he stood there awkwardly.

I nodded and immediately stood up and made my way to the door, chuckling nervously, "I'll wait downstairs." I was about to turn the knob before he quickly grabbed my arm, "No. My parents don't know that you're here and will probably kill me if they know that I brought a girl to the house. You can stay here; I'll just grab my clothes and change in the bathroom. "As fast as he grabbed my arm, he immediately dropped it like it was a curse, I tried not to let him see how that small action affected my and nodded as my smile trembled against my lips.

It was already 10 in the morning and I had to get back soon but I couldn't leave before I explained everything to Carter, so I waited for him to change before I spoke to him. Not long after, he exited his bathroom, a white t-shirt clung onto him and I couldn't help glance at his biceps that was literally going to explode from the tightness from his shirt, my heart thrummed like a hummingbird as I looked up to face him. His chiseled jaw and features that looked like an Adonis Greek god just made me feel suffocated, his brown eyes was filled with wariness and a hint of sadness, he ran a hand through his damp hair sighing as he sank into the bed next to me.

"Look Isabelle-"

I put up my hand to stop him and said, "No Carter, I think I should be the one explaining, 'laughing awkwardly, I twisted my fingers nervously," Last night was a huge mistake -"

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