Chapter 11 [TBBAM]

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|| Chapter 11

I was slumped against my desk. Biology was my first period and my teacher had not arrived in class yet. I sighed as I rubbed my eyes tiredly.


I looked up to see Carter smiling down at me. He was my lab partner and was paired up with me for the rest of the year. He looked horribly handsome with his hair messily tousled back like a bed head hair and he wore his V-neck shirt which clung on to him like a second skin showing his muscles. I sighed dramatically as I moved a little to give him space.

"So how was your night?" he asked as he settled down next to me.

I blushed under his intense brown eyes and said," I went out with Will for a game of bowling."

He chuckled," His a sore loser isn't he?"

I giggled as I pushed my hair back from my face," He sure is a big sore loser. "

Carter smiled and dimples appeared at the side of his mouth. I had to control my urge of squealing at his adorable smile.

"Did he send you back?"

I shook my head," He met some girl called Marianne and started talking to her so I left. "

"Marianne?" He glanced at my in shock. "Seriously?"

I nodded silently as I urged him to continue.

"You should have stayed to watch them. I'm sure there would be some romantic opera shit going on."

I opened my mouth to ask what was going on between them but I was interrupted by my biology teacher's entrance. Mrs. Caty entered the class room, her hands filled with textbooks. She had her dark hair tied up in a neat bun, a few gray hair strands glittering in the weak winter morning sunlight. Her lips had a touch of lipstick, which made a dark shade of red. Her lips were pursed in distaste as she stared at us through her car eye glasses. Her eyes zoomed in on us- Carter and me.

"Miss Everett and Mr. Lachowski. Please come to the front and demonstrate today's experiment." She said as she narrowed her eyes at Carter. He looked bored as he got up from his seat as he walked up to the front. Like a model on a runway. I, on the other hand, had the most dramatic entrance. I got up from my seat, prepared to walk to the front, yes-like a normal human being, but in the end, got the hem of my sweater hooked onto the side of the table and went tumbling onto the floor. I flailed my arms in an attempt to break my fall and grabbed the nearest thing-Douglas Tort's nose. My finger went up his nose- don't ask me how it got there because I do not have a flipping idea too, and I pulled. He went crashing down from his chair and onto me. In case you were wondering, Douglas was our class's nerd. His face was covered in acne and he smelt like a dead rat. Thankfully, I didn't pass out from the smell and I got up from under him and smiled triumphantly at the rest of the class, whose mouths were hanging open.

"I'm alive!"


Mrs. Caty had handed me a packet of wet wipes to disinfect my hands- her exact words. After wiping my hands, she continued on, getting a box out. She smiled at the class, gleaming her pearly whites," Today, we are going to dissect a rabbit!" The girls groaned in disgust, the guys whooped sadistically, I freaked out and Carter just looked even more bored. My face pallid further when Mrs. Caty used her gloved hands to pull out a dead rabbit from the box. That bumptious idiot next to me smirked when he saw the rabbit and reached out to hold it. I covered my eyes in disgust.

Mrs. Caty beamed at Carter," Good work Carter!

Then she frowned," Stop poking it Mr. Lachowki! It's already dead for Christ's sake!"

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