Chapter 5 [TBBAM]

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||Chapter 5


Fransisco had gathered a few sticks and branches to set a fire. The cool night wind blew across my face causing my hair to be in a mess. We sat next to each other as we roasted marshmallows and my face was practically aching from smiling so much. He had made me laugh till my sides were hurting.




"So, tell me about yourself." Fransisco asked. "Well, I stay with my parents and I have two older brothers, Chase and Jace .You should know Chase, his really good friends with your brother-" He cut me off and growled," I don't give a fuck about your brothers Bella." His eyes hardened as he glared at me. I was shocked at his bipolar self but I quickly masked my shock and nodded. Sheesh! Is he having PMS or something? After a few moments of silence, Fransisco held out his hand," May I have this dance?" I looked around and said," But...there is no music." He rolled his eyes and gave me a half-smile that I have grown to love as he pointed to his phone. I smiled cheekily as I asked," Can I chose a song?" He nodded as he handed me his phone. The lock screen picture was a picture of two adorable young boys, one of them had a half-smile and the other had his tongue poked out at the side, it must have been Fransisco and his brother when they were younger. I immediately unlocked the screen and chose a soothing song to dance to.

His hands snaked around my tiny waist as the intro of the song started. I shivered as I felt his warmth radiating out of his hands that running down my waist he took my hands in his as he placed them on his neck and he pulled me closer as the song begun.

There is something about the way the street looks when it just rains.

There is a glow on the pavement as you walk me to the car.

And you know I want to ask you to dance right there in the middle of the parking lot.Yeah.Oh Yeah.

We are driving down the road, I wonder if you know I am trying so hard not to get caught up now.

But you just so cool from your hands to your hair absentmindedly making me want you.

And I don't know how it gets better than this you'd seek my hand and drag me down headfirst fearless.

And I don't know why with you how I dress in the storm in my best dress fearless.

So baby drive slow till we run out of road in this one horse town I want to stay right here.

In this passenger seat you put your eyes on me in this moment now capture it remember it.

He twirled me around and I laughed like a young child. He spun me in to his arms as he pulled me close as we swayed our bodies to the rhythm of the music. I stared into his dark blue eyes as it had cast a spell on me and willed me not to look away. As the song ended, we stood still and stared at each other. My eyes drifted down to his plump red lips. They looked as soft and inviting and I wordlessly leaned in closer. Fransisco's arm on my waist and pulled me closer and kissed me. HE KISSED ME! His lips on mine felt like silk and he kissed me with so much passion it made my head spin. His hands were tangled in my long locks and the sparks were ignited as his tongue entered my mouth. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. It was right, and somehow, among all of the dizziness and the clinging to him like a life line, something inside me changed, never to be reversed. This new feeling could be dwelled upon later, because, for now, I was content to feel his breath come and go with mine. We drew apart slowly as my face slowly became crimson. Fransisco glance at me amused as I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. "That was awesome." Fransisco stated. I widened my eyes, "Really? I thought I was a horrible kisser." He shook his head as his thumb brushed against my lips. I reddened as he pulled me closer.

Drip. I felt a raindrop on my head and immediately looked up. "Shit!" Fransisco and I quickly separated to gather our stuff to get to the car before it started raining. But it was too late. The rumble of thunder set off the heavy shower and I shrieked in response. My "best" dress was getting soaked as seconds passed. I laughed at the irony as I remembered the Taylor Swift song that was playing earlier- And I don't know why with you how I dress in the storm in my best dress fearless.

Fransisco and I intertwined our hands as we dashed to his car quickly. When we reached the car, I was shivering and started sneezing. Fransisco unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it off as he wrapped it around my body. I shook my head and was about it shrug it off when I sneezed again. Fransisco's eyes crinkled at the corners as he laughed at my failed attempt of taking it off. "It's okay Bells. I won't catch a cold. "He winked at me as he entered the car.

I rolled my eyes as he switched on the radio and started singing along. I couldn't help but burst out laughing as he failed to reach the high notes. He glared at me playfully and feigned to be hurt as he place a hand to his chest ," How can you laugh at the almighty sexy Fransisco?" He smugly smiled at he gestured to his six pack. Big mistake. And for the rest of the journey I could not keep my eyes off his "sexy" six packs. It looked even sexier with rain water glistening and flowing down his back. His chest had a few tattoos on them which made it look enticingly sexy. The art on his chest were mysterious inks and a certain one was a paragraph of words that were inked in foreign language. I had been staring at him like a creepy stalker. It was good that his eyes were on the road or else I would have been teased maliciously by him.

But how could he maintain such a beautiful body? It looked like those models on a Calvin Klein poster! How I wish I could run my fingers-"Bella? "My head shot up to see that Fransisco had stopped the car. My face was as red as an overripe tomato as I saw a teasing smile appeared on his lips. The dirty thoughts that consumed my mind earlier were now replaced by mortified embarrassment. "Bella, Bella, "he waggled his fingers in front of me as his eyes twinkled mischievously. "What have you been thinking about?"

"N...nothing." I stuttered like a scared little girl. Damn you Bella! Stop sounding so scared! His ego is big enough already! "Dirty thoughts about me?" Fransisco rose his eyebrows suggestively at me and winked. I ignored my flaming face as I whacked him on his arm. "Cut the crap Fransisco! I will never fall for you!" Lies.

"Feisty! I like it, "He gave me a half-smile as he opened the car door for me. I glared at him angrily and threw his shirt at him. He pouted and gave me the puppy face," Aww Bells, don't treat your date like that..." Oh no. No Bella, no way you're gonna fall for that-"Urghhh. Fine! I forgive you! But I will never, ever, ever fall for you!" He smirked at me as he walked back into his car, "Keep telling yourself that sweetheart!" And with that he drove off leaving me in a trail of dust. I huffed angrily at him as I took off my shoes. The nerve of that guy! But I couldn't stay angry at him and the smile on my face grew as I thought of the perfect date it had been. I walked into my room and turned on my room light. "Oh my!" I gasped when I saw my brother, Chase sitting on my bed. "You scared me!" I scolded angrily. But I could never stay angry at Chase; I threw my shoe at the corner of my room and bounced into his arms. "When did you come back? I missed you so so much! "I whined at him. He gave me a huge smile as he replied, "This evening! But you were out, where did you go?"

"I went on a date!"

Chase's eyes narrowed at me as his "protective brother" demeanor got the better of him, "With whom?"

I rolled my eyes cheekily and poked out my tongue," Why are you so worked up for? Its Ian's brother Fransisco!

His eyes widened as he glared at me angrily. I dare not look at him as he stood up and stormed out of the room. I quickly dashed into the shower to avoid his awkward questions.

As the warm water from the shower head poured down my back I shampooed my hair slowly. I grinned like an idiot when the day's events relived in my mind. He really did kept his promise on giving me the most "unforgettable" date. But why was Chase so angry? It's not like it's the first time I had been out on a date...









I was drying my hair in my room when Chase voice drifted into my room. "Bella! Come to the living room! I need to talk to you! I sighed as I dragged my tired self to the living room. Chase hair was in a mess as he sat stiffly at the sofa as I sat opposite him. I noticed his eye bags and a weary look on his face. "What's wrong Chase?" I asked with concern. He ran a hand through his brown curly locks as he let out a deep breath. His jaws tensed as he began explaining," Ian isn't my friend anymore."

This is bad.

Fransisco's POV

I was sitting in the bar with Cater, Caleb and William as we drown ourselves with a round of drinks at the nearby pub after my so-called fake date with Bella. "How was the date?" William asked.

"Well, she is a fucking good kisser. "I stated as I feigned boredom. I heard Carter saying to Caleb to "pay up" I guess they had betted on me getting Bella to kiss me on the first date. Boys. They were all bugging me to tell them about the date. I groaned," You all are acting like freaking girls!" I sighed as I told them about the "OMG! It's so fun" date.





"She was like so freaking dumb! She totally believed that I liked her! You should have seen her face when I brought her to the mountain, "I smacked my thigh as I threw my head back laughing. "It was like I had proposed to her or something!"

The guys laughed as they drank another vodka shot. I felt a pang of guilt in my heart.It was fun. Admit it. She was the most beautiful-STOP IT! Their whole family was a big lie! Look at her brother! Remember who you are doing this for-"Hey! Fransisco!" I whipped my head up to face Caleb. He smirked as he lifted his finger to point at girl with a curvy figure and fiery red hair which reached her waist who was grinding against bodies under the dim light of the nightclub. "May the best man win." Caleb smirked at me as he made his way through the crowd to her. I stood up from my seat and made my way towards her too. Anything to take my mind off that girl.


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