Chapter [38]

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The songs for this chapter are:

-Where You Belong: The Weekend (Fifty Shades of Grey, baby!)

Happy Thanksgiving my loves! I am so thankful every single day for you all! I hope you all eat a ton of turkey and feel stuffed afterwards! Enjoy this chapter, I can't wait to share what I have next with you guys!

selnas sweetheart you have made my week! Thank you so much for continuously popping up in my notifications throughout the week. You mean so much to me! Enjoy this chapter :)

The 'hero' who sent you to hell.

How ironic it is though; my mother is right. I thought Justin was my hero, hell I knew he was, but he tore me further and further away from the light where he lied me down so peacefully in the burning pits of hell.

Dante once traveled through the nine circles of hell; each soul being punished for a sin, but where would I stand in all of that? Only the worst sinners were banished to the ninth circle, but just for fun, Justin sent me there as well.

No, my head isn't turned backwards as I move forward because I sinned for trying to see into the future, nor am I a walking fire ball, but I am something much worse than that. I am the one who trusted someone who never even cared about my soul in the first place, and for that I have sinned the greatest.

And like a fool, I still hold onto the idea of him.

He still lives in me, when I don't even live in myself.

You'd think by now, I would be over it all, but in truth, the pain is just beginning.


'We used to be inseparable, I used to think that I was irreplaceable, we lit the whole world up before we blew it up. I still don't know just how we screwed it up. Love will remember you and love will remember me'

"What are you writing?"

I quickly slam the notebook closed and move my eyes up to meet his.

"Nothing," I whisper tilting my head down again, "What do you want, Dylan?"

"You." He laughs making me roll my eyes as he moves to sit down on the bench next to me. I instinctively move away from him, making him sigh.

"He's been gone for a long time; why do you still treat me so bad?"


"I wonder why?" I huff under my breath, holding my notebook closer to my chest as Dylan slides closer.

His eyes play in mine, "Are you cold?"

I shake my head, "I didn't come out to sit in the cold June air because I'm cold. Why are you here?"

Dylan moves his hands up to pull his beanie further over his head. He acts as if it's still freezing, but the sun is beginning to surface more, welcoming the summer that I hope will come sooner.

"I got tired of watching you for months, sitting in the same spot, so I decided to give you some company."

"I don't want company." I turn away from him to glance all around me. Some other students are soaking up the sun that peaks through the crisp air, but not me, I sit under a tree in the shade blocking out the light.

I have lost it all.

Dylan has kept his distance ever since I screamed at him in April. I have seen the way my words had hurt him, but I didn't care. I wanted everyone to leave me alone, I wanted to relish in my own pain and not pull even the worst of people down with me.

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