Final Author's Note

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Dear Take Me 1+2 readers,

To say this has been an amazing journey, doesn't even begin to describe it. Writing to all of you has changed my life.

I have known since I was very little that I wanted to make a difference in this world. I didn't know how at the time, but it occurred to me that I would do just that through writing. The first serious story I wrote was back in 2008 and it just went up from there.

Take Me has been so much of my life and I'm sad and excited to let it go. Sad because I won't be writing in this story anymore because this Jelena's story has come to an end, and excited because I can't wait to publish my next story. Which will be up tomorrow.

I published both the Epilogue and this Final Author's Note. The first chapter of, 'Everything' will be up tomorrow as I mentioned after I update one last part I need to publish in this book. (I can't wait for you all to read it! I'm literally screaming!!)

If you have the time will you check my new book out (when I publish) and give it a like and maybe a comment? Maybe it will be our next journey together...

Anyway, I want to thank every single one of you. If you are reading these words, know this author's note is to you. I love you so much for all that you have given me. If you take just a second out of your day to vote or comment, it shows up in my notifications and I feel so much joy. It's indescribable.

I have loved getting to know so many of you and hope to know more in the future, because you gave me so much love and happiness. I only hope one day I can return the favor.

Know, there will be days when the thing you love the most will lose it's shine to you and you will feel defeated and that's okay. You don't always have to be okay. You should cry and feel angry, because that's what makes you human. You should feel everything and when it's all gloomy know it will once be bright again. 

Every single one of you has taught me that.

I can't wait to see where all of you go and I hope I get to be apart of what you do as you were apart of mine.

Don't worry, I will be on Wattpad until the day I die (not that anyone was worrying lol) and I have plenty more stories just waiting to be brought to life in my drafts.

I hope you give 'Everything' a chance because I can't wait to share with you all what I have planned.

Thank you a thousand times over, I could not have done this without you.

One more time, the first chapter of 'Everything' will be up soon after I publish another part in this book tomorrow, so all you have to do is go to my profile page and check it out when it's up.

Yes, our favorite hazel eyed man is in it.

My Endless Love,


P.S. Btw I ended Take Me 1 on March 1st, 2015 on Justin's 21st birthday, and will finish Take Me 2 on March 1st, (tomorrow) 2016 his 22nd birthday. Do you see what I did there? Lol! Anyway, I sound like I'm going away forever. This is so sappy. Hope to see you in 'Everything', I'm gonna go eat french fries.

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