Chapter [42]

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The songs for this chapter are:

-Sober: P!nk

-Mad Hatter: Melanie Martinez

-Don't Deserve You: Plumb

Comment everything you feel when you read the last line of the chapter. Let me know if you saw it coming?! I want to know if I surprised you as much as I'd hoped!

Selena's POV

The last time I was driving down these streets I was in a car with Dylan and Kendra and if I recall clearly, this was the place I had never ever wanted to come back to. I could live a thousand lives and be perfectly okay with that, yet I find myself parking across from a building I really wish I never had the luxury of stepping inside.

As I pull up in front of the Parker's Place, butterflies fill my stomach and not the kind I get when Justin is around, the kind that make you want to hide under your blanket and stay there forever. I make sure the doors are still locked as I glance around. I can tell there are people inside, just not as many as the night I first came here.

Why would Justin feel so strongly about this place? Sure, it must have been a nice building once, but now its holds the bodies of drunk hormonal young adults who only seem to want to strip out of their clothes and run around naked.


Deep breath. Deep breath.

Who knows what I will find inside. What if Justin is in there with another girl right now and he just sent this to me as a joke to see if I would come running back? Which I did, and he, yet again, has claim over me.

But what if, he really is waiting for me inside? What if this isn't a joke and he really is in there, waiting for me, maybe with a drink in his hand, or not.

Maybe Justin needs me now, and that's what urges me forward. Not the fact that maybe he doesn't want to see me, or does, but the fact that I want to see him. I told myself I hated him, I hated him for all the things he did to me, but I can't fight the urge to be near him.

Why is that? Why am I drawn to someone who looks so much like an angel, when he's actually the devil?

All the books are right; the worst part isn't losing him or anything else, it's losing yourself.

But here I go losing myself as I make my way toward the building with pounding music and sweaty bodies. I keep my head down as I stalk across the street and up the steps. Girls squeal all around me and guys make some weird noises too but I can't see where exactly they are coming from because my eyes are glued to the pavement. Puke and liquid coats the sidewalk as well and I have to step over them with a shiver.

I don't know why people enjoy this, I really don't? What's so great about drinking and taking your close off and then waking up someplace you don't know?

Maybe, I'm not one to talk because I did the same thing once and ended up at Chase's house... At least I had no urge to do it again.

Justin once told me he liked the way the alcohol felt in his body.

"It feels like you're on top of the world, like you own it," he once said, "and that's why you drink over and over, because you want to feel that high again."

I miss him. No matter how much he makes me wish I'd never met him.

God, do I miss him.

My walk becomes quicker as I finally reach the door and push it open. The air hits me with a stench of alcohol, puke and sweat. It swirls around in my nose making me want to vomit on the floor as well.

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