Chapter [6]

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The songs for this chapter are:

-Numb: Linkin Park

-As Long As You Love Me: Justin Bieber

-Little White Lies: One Direction

"What?" I stand above him now and he shrugs.

"I said my name is Nathan."

My hand finds a way to my forehead and I place my cool fingertips against my burning forehead.

It's my hormones, I know that they are pushing me to the extent and breaking me down.

I don't know how long I can do this, and it's just the beginning.

"Why are you telling me now?" I ask my voice coming out calmer than I had expected.

At least I didn't sound as bitchy that time.

Nathan glances down at his shirt again before adjusting his jacket and pushing his chair out. It's my turn to follow him with my eyes and he winks when my stare has been caught.

I groan.

Even Justin didn't piss me off this bad in the beginning. But then again it's probably because of Justin that I am acting this way.

Nathan says finally, "I don't know, you seemed on wits end with me,"

I nod, "I don't play games."

"You're playing Justin's," he insists and I roll the inside of my check around with my teeth.

"He doesn't have a game."

Nathan nods stepping closer to me, "Everyone has a game."

His eyes burn bullets into mine as if there is still more behind the surface. As if what I know could not be farther than the truth.

"Nathan," I roll his name around and he raises a brow, clearly tempting me for whatever I'm going to say, "You asked if I knew where Justin is," I pause again to scan his face, "Do you know where he is then?"

He smiles.

A full toothed grin that could have brightened my day but now it's only relighted my fear. The burn begins in my stomach and trails it's claws up my arm. Goosebumps rise in its wake.

The smile is as if evil and his way of telling me, I know more than you sweetheart.

I hate feeling belittled, especially by one of Justin's friends and the little red flags continue to flap around behind my eyes, but I ignore them as Nathan shoves his hands into his pockets, stepping toward the door.

"I never said that."

"So you don't know where he is?" I ask, frantically following him as he opens the door. I might as well be walking into my own trap but Justin blind sights me so.

He glances at me, "I never said that either."


I furrow my brow and throw my arms in the air, "Nathan!"

He stops to turn around and look at me. His face still holding the smirk I want to firmly slap off, but don't.

I won't be the old Justin Bieber, whatever he has done with me.

But I guess when they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, they really mean absence makes the other person become their lover.

"Why are you being so mean to me?" I suddenly feel a sinking feeling in my chest and I tell myself not to cry, "I don't even know you, you don't know me, yet you play fucking games with my mind."

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