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She had held her head high. She knew what she had been doing. And she had established her superior role among everyone at her previous school. But now she looked around her closet, a look of pure distaste on her face.

"Is there absolutely nothing to wear?!" She groaned throwing out a pair of expensive pants onto the closet floor before she got up and began to storm out to find her mother. There must have been at least one outfit she could have worn in her closet since it was filled and it was bigger than the servants' quarters in the mansion that she called home. She rushed down the stairs in her short skirt and tank top, her dark brown hair flowing behind her as she skipped down and stopped at her parents' bedroom door.

"Mum!" She called, rapping her knuckles on the door. No one answered her. "Mum!" She whined louder, banging on the door this time(a habit she developed when she was 5). When she received no response, she barged right into her parents' room to find her mother seated neatly at the edge of her bed, holding onto a tea cup and a newspaper. "Mother!" She cried out, exasperated.

"What is it?" Her mother, Diane, sighed before looking up to see her daughter fuming at the door. The young 16 year old crossed her arms across her chest and huffed.

"I have nothing to wear." She complained.

"Are you serious right now?" Diane seemed annoyed. "Can you hear yourself?" At that moment, her father, Christian Grand, walked out of the bathroom, holding a towel and dressed in his soft white bathrobe.

"Daddy." The girl nodded. Her father raised an eyebrow at her in acknowledgment and unlocked his mobile. He called a man and put his phone down.

"You'll get your SammyCoU outfit in 5 minutes." Christian nodded at her. Diane stared at her husband in astonishment.

"You're still spoiling her." She protested.

"I'm giving her what I never got." He used the same excuse he always did, making Diane sigh. She didn't need another argument breaking out.

"Uh... Thanks daddy." The girl awkwardly smiled at her parents before rushing back upstairs to call her bestfriend, Meg Halsey. "Hey, guess what?" She smiled.

"You're getting the new SammyCoU outfit?" Meg did a not-so-wild guess. They had been dying to get that dress for a week ever since they saw it displayed out at the mall.

"Yes!" She giggled into the phone. "But like, everyone knows I'd be the first to get it, I mean, it's pretty obvious right?"

"Totes." Meg agreed. "Hey, you know what? I think I'm gonna dress down too. First day and all."

"Well yeah? If you're gonna hang with me, you need to look pretty like I am so not hanging with something that looks..." She made a face. "Common."

"You're such a bitch." Meg scoffed, making the girl laugh.

"Only the best." She looked at her clock. "Uh! Just 3 more minutes and my dress will be here. I cannot wait to see who would drop dead in my wake." She grinned. "Oh, gotta go. I do not wanna run late."

"Neither." Meg grinned back. "Love ya."

"You too." She hung up.


Her chauffeur stopped at the gate of her new school, Drakon Kross HighSchool, founded and started by Dr. Drakon Kross, the most well known professor at his time. He was now old and nearing Death, as news called out.

She couldn't care less as the door of her Mercedes Maybach s600 was opened by her chauffeur and she stepped out. Nearly every head there turned to admire her. Not just her richly adorned ruby crusted SammyCoU outfit, or her high Prada shoes, no; it was her that caught everyone's attention. Her face radiated with youth and every single living soul in sight of her could not stop staring. It was as if they were attracted to her like a magnet. She walked on towards the gates of the school, joined by her two bestfriends, Meg and Catherine Wood(or Katy for short). Most of the people watching her snapped out of their trance and looked over to admire the expensive car driving away. It was their tendency to go into that trance that provided her with her ability to manipulate, and her words seemed to have a type of pull. When she asked for something, they wanted to do it for her, no matter what it was.

She rolled her eyes, thinking she was receiving too much attention than she needed. Meg and Katy went off to find their respective lockers, leaving her all alone as everyone continued to stare at her. She located her locker and waited at it for Meg and Katy to show up.

How rude. She sighed as most of the people snapped back to attention, shaking their heads and going back to what they had been doing. Meg and Katy arrived at her side and began to quickly arrange her locker for her as she tapped away at her phone, updating her social networks on her whereabouts. Meg handed her two books which she took carelessly and slipped her phone onto the top of her book.

"Well?" She asked impatiently. She had been standing for quite a long time now.

"First class is geography after homeroom." Katy updated her.

"Are we all in the same homeroom?" She asked. Meg and Katy held their breath. "Ok, who is the odd one out?"

"Katy." Meg muttured. "But she has geography with us after so we're good."

"What do you mean we're good, we're not good without her in homeroom." She huffed. "Where's the office?" She looked around for someone to ask. "Hey, you." She called to a boy who was handing out fliers. He noticed her and looked around, pointing to himself to make sure she was talking to him. Why was she? Wasn't he way out of his league?! "Yeah you. Come here." She ordered. He found himself walking towards her and stopped in front her, turning very red. "You've been here last year right?" Her question was answered with a nod. "Good. Take me to the office now." He did not move. "I said now." She repeated, knocking him out of his trance. His eyes widened and he nodded before turning and walking down the hall. "Follow me." She motioned to her two friends as she walked behind the boy. Meg and Katy trailed along, unsure of what she was meaning to do. She was stubborn and when she wanted something-she got it.

She always did.

Anything. And everything.

She walked into the office and smiled down at the receptionist. Her faded blue eyes bore into the receptionist's eyes and it scared her.

"Listen to me and listen to me good." Her eyes darkened to a shade of near navy and the receptionist felt slightly drawn to her. "You do what I say and you won't be sorry."

"Wh-What can I d-do for you?" The receptionist laughed nervously. The girl smirked.


"Now that was easy." She walked out of the office and smiled. Meg and Katy followed, knowing just how manipulative their friend was. When she needed control, she got it. "Let's get to home room." She walked towards the direction of the classes and the other two girls followed helplessly. When she entered the class, all heads turned to her and it became quiet. The teacher, a young man of about 26, stared at the new gem at his door. She walked in and took a seat at the front followed by her two friends.

"And you are?" The teacher raised an eyebrow at her.

"Dia." The girl still held her head high. She was making her new mark. "Dia Grand."

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