Dia stared in disbelief.

"Pretty little thing, isn't it?" Mr. Phaeton continued to admire the flames before it shrank away to nothing. She expected his hand to be burnt right off but apart from a little smoke rising from it, there was no visible change.

"What." She said it more as a statement than a question. He sighed.

"What must I do to get this through your thick skull..." He mumbled to himself. "The Gods-repeat with me-the Greek 'GODS', are real." He nodded at her, speaking slowly, as if he was explaining to a child... Technically, in that case, he was. "Now, about the golden stri-"

"Wait... Why are you telling me this?" Dia snapped back into reality. Mr. Phaeton groaned long and hard, staring up at the sky.

"I blame this on you father." He cursed. "Because... Oh dear Gods shower me with blessings; you, Dia, are one of the Olympian Heirs." He concluded.

"What?!" She spat at him. "Impossible. My parents are just-"

"Ok should not have told you that part." Mr. Phaeton leaned over, put his hand on her head and whispered a word she could not recognise. He extracted the little memory of him saying it to her. "So the golden strings. If your thread of life is golden, it either means that you're a god/goddess, or immortal."

"So the lady in my dream is either a goddess or an immortal?"

"Way to state the obvious genius." Mr. Phaeton smirked. "Want a cookie?" He produced a treat wrapped in plastic wrapping.

"No thanks... What's in it though? I mean... It completely fixed up my sore body the other day."

"As you know, my father is also the god of healing. He taught me many things. Out of which, one was the ambrosia cookies."


"Shut the fuck up I'm getting there." He snapped. "Ambrosia is what we gods call food. It can come in various types. We like to modify it time to time according to our preferences but all in all, it's good stuff. Better than any mortal shit you ever tasted." He scoffed. "It's known for it's amazing healing abilities... Especially in ambrosia nectar-Gods that's good stuff... I'd offer you... but... You're a bit... Underaged."

"Sure." She suppressed her laughter the moment she saw the serious gaze he gave her.

"I'll teach you students how to make your own fucking cookies in a future class. Remind me. Now, about the real question in hand; Aidon." He stood up.

"Yes?" Her eyes lit up, clearly more interested than before.

"Ask him yourself."


Dia walked into the gym for cheerleading practice followed by Katy. Ever since Mr. Phaeton had explained to her about the Gods' existance, she had decided to listen to him. For once, she would be patient with Aidon.

Although... She still couldn't figure out why Mr. Phaeton had told her what he had.

Almost three weeks had passed, the third week coming to an end ever since school had started. Nearly a month was passing and she had learnt much more than what she had bargained for. Her parents had also not returned from the trip they had gone off on, which was not unusual, it happened often.

She had bought off her new phone and tried to contact Meg, who she couldn't get a hold of, so she assumed Meg was simply out of the country on some extravagant adventure with her parents or whatever.

"Katy?" Dia began, not looking up from her phone. "What's the blonde bitch upto?"

"Who? Kaila?" Katy whispered softly. Dia looked up and gave her the resting bitch face.

"Anyone else blonde here who I call bitch?" Dia snapped.

"S-Sorry." Katy looked at her hands.

"Forget about it." Dia looked around the gym to see Kaila performing squats with the ginger haired girl, much to the delight of the watching football team players.

Attention slut... Dia gave the blondie a look. She noticed that in the bleachers, sitting beside Idon, was always Aidon. It was as if they were non biological brothers. They did look slightly alike, but she knew they weren't related... Or were they...

She dropped her pompoms and strode over to the bleachers.

"Are you two related?" She waggled two fingers at the boys, causing Idon to choke on the bottle of water he was chugging down on.

"Uh..." Idon began after he recovered. "Sorta." He coughed. "We're cousins."

"I thought you said you were Egyptian?"

"You remembered that?" He asked, slightly thrown off. "Mesa's my step dad. Been so for years. Had to change my last name." Idon explained. She decided not to question further, not wanting to seem like an investigator.

"Are you done?" Aidon asked her carelessly.

"Never talked to you in the first place." She calmly replied before she walked off. She had a plan. A strategy.

Well, technically it was partially Mr. Phaeton's idea but it was definitely working.

'Give the Mesa boy your attention. Heck, even date him for all I care(just don't fuck though you still a kid). Avoid Aidon best as you can. Put distance, make him jealous... Instead of going after him... Make him come to you.'

So far, the plan was working.

"He is so checking you out." Katy whispered as Dia worked on her stretches.

"Who?" Dia seemed confused.

"Mesa." Katy answered. Damn... She was hoping it would be Aidon. But that was good... Idon needed to be interested for the plan to work.

After practice, Dia was about to walk out when Idon blocked her path at the door, putting on a nice smirk.

"Hey, I know our first encounter-and my first dating impression on you-with you, was not that good... But just hear me out." He started.

"Idon, it's fine." Dia crossed her arms across her chest. "I don't care either way."

"Look." He motioned at his head. "At this face." He did circular movements around it, his expression stoic and completely blank. "How can you say no?"

"Because I like someone else?" She said half jokingly.

"Aidon?" He asked. She raised an eyebrow at him while giving him a side smirk. "Nah it's not that obvious but I kinda knew from way back." He shrugged. "It won't hurt to make him jealous you know. He is a very jealous person."

"How do you know?" She asked, amused.

"Because he had a girlfriend once."

He what?

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