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"Y-You're..." Dia was dumbfounded for a moment. "You're one of them?"

"Yeah." Idon answered her casually, as if the question she had asked him had been as simple as 'Are you a boy?'.

"Wait... One of the Gods... Or the heirs?" She seemed suspicious.

"You do know that the heirs are gods too right." Idon raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever." Dia looked out the window, only to have her eyes widen and jaw drop again. Bright green fields of grass and clear blue skies greeted her.

"Honestly, you're not going to fawn over every single enchantment you see are you?" Idon groaned, half joking before he leaned in. "Stop doing that," he lowered his voice. "You're kinda ruining my image here." He teased her.

"Shut up." She snapped at him, slightly annoyed. She looked over to study him. The waiter brought their drinks and set them down on the table.

"He's 19." Idon muttered before picking up his clear tumbler of what looked like honey, only, in a lighter colour and less dense.

"What?" She was confused as she peeked over the rim of her glass to see her coffee. It was like any normal coffee, only, on the caramelization on the top was the letter 'E'. She didn't bother to ask him what it was.

"Aidon? You asked for his age?" Idon raised an eyebrow. "Is this really all too much for you to take in?"

"Why didn't I know about all this before?" She questioned. "Like, why do I know about it anyway?"

"Because-" they were interrupted by the blonde girl who stood at the table now.

"Hello." She smiled sweetly. "Lovely seeing you two here."

"Hermia." Idon nodded a greeting at her. Hermia turned to Dia.

"So does she know no-"

"No." Idon quickly interrupted her. "Not her time."

"What are you talking about?" Dia was clearly annoyed. "And what are you doing here? It's meant to be a date here?!" Dia raised her eyebrows at Hermia.

"Oh, yes. Sorry. I must have upset you." Hermia seemed unfazed, or if she was, she wasn't showing it. "I shall take my leave now. It was great seeing you here though." She smiled one last time before walking away.

"Is she loony?" Dia hissed when she was sure that Hermia was out of earshot. "And what, is she an heir too?"

"Nice guess... And no, she's completely sane." He began. "She's just had more contact with her father, who-mind you-is exactly like her since he meets all kinds of people. They're both just trained to be nice... Or born that way."

"So what happened to his girlfriend? Kelly was it?" Dia changed the subject.

"Kylie." He corrected her. "Simple. The reason why neither I nor his dad didn't want him dating her was because she was a mortal." He seemed bored of talking about it. "She'd die." He looked straight at her. "And he'd be the-" they were interrupted once more as the door burst open and a figure walked in, alerting everyone. They all turned to see a tall slender woman, who had shiny black hair and eyes of cold grey striding in, a look of distaste on her face. She stopped in the middle of the room, a little bit away from the table Dia and Idon were seated at.

"Where is he?" The woman hissed in greek through gritted teeth, her voice menacing. "Where the fuck is Aïdōneús." She yelled louder, furious. "I said where is he?" She put strain on her last words and stamped her foot on the marble floor, a huge flash of lightening coursing through the entire room, luminating the place.

"Don't fucking call me that." Aidon spun on his chair calmly and got up. His face definitely showed that he was annoyed of her barging in that way and he began to walk over to her.

"Call you what?" She snapped. "Aïdōneús?" She spat the name out, causing him to glare at her.

"Is that Kylie?" Dia whispered, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

"You're thick." Idon muttered. "And no. Never in a million years." Idon sighed as he stood up. "What in asphodel's name are you so angry about?" He fearlessly walked over to the two people bickering.

"Her face." Aidon tossed carelessly, looking over at Idon, then, noticing he had company, swerved a bit backwards and eyed up the prize. "What are you doing with her?"

"That's not the point." The girl began. "What did you do?" She said angrily.

"What are you talking about?" Idon was getting annoyed too now.

"Thirteen people. Dead. No reason. None at all." The girl huffed.

"Thirteen?" Aidon rubbed the back of his neck.

"You heard me." She glared at him. "I'm going to go and calm down. When I get back, I need an explanation."

"I can explain right no-"

"No." The girl turned and strode out the door. Aidon and Idon both stared after her for a moment before they spoke to each other in hushed voices. Dia noticed Aidon giving her quick glances. She figured it would be to either check if she could hear or he was clearly interested in her and they were talking about her. After a while, Idon came back and sat down in his seat, evidently stressed.

"Sorry 'bout that." He began. "And I cannot believe you would think that would have been Kylie." He began to give a weak laugh.

"I was trying to lighten up the atmosphere, duh."

"Sure you were." Idon chuckled. "Aren't you going to ask who that was now that you know it isn't Kylie?" He asked as she took a light sip of her coffee.

"Oh my god... This stuff... It's... Heaven!" She breathed. "And no, I am hardly interested."

"What if I told you she and Aidon had a romantic connection?" Idon smirked. Dia froze for a split second and her heart skipped a beat but she recovered.

"Bitch please. Impossible." She concluded. Idon laughed.

"You're right." He smiled. "She's our cousin, Esa."

"Gee, doesn't that sound familiar." She said sarcastically, referring to Idon's last name, Mesa. Idon didn't laugh. He just watched her silently as he sipped his drink.

"She's important... And powerful."

"Is she always that cranky?"

"Only when something goes wrong." He looked out the window. "Well, mission accomplished for now. He noticed you alright."

"What did he say?" She asked curiously.

"To get you out of his face."

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