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"Dia Grand." Mr. Phaeton snapped. She looked around the class, definitely startled. "Aidon won't be here today do you mind mingling with Aria and Hermia? No? Good. Get your ass over there." He barked. Dia slowly stood up and reluctantly made her way over to the two girls. She sat down, bitch face on.

"What's your name again?" Hermia asked nicely.

"Is it like, not obvious for you? I've obviously been on TV one too many times, you cannot be serious." Dia raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Just tell her your damn name." Aria groaned in annoyance.

"Whatever. My name's Dia. Dia Grand?" She ignored Aria.

"Are you supposed to be famous? Because-ehh-It doesn't ring a bell." Aria scowled at Dia.

"Is she always like this?" Dia pointed a slender finger at Aria, raising an eyebrow at Hermia.

"I'm afraid so." She said apologetically. "It's alright. She'll get through." Hermia smiled. Dia stared at Hermia. She painfully reminded her of Katy. A lot.


"Pierre, don't come get me I'm going shopping." Dia spoke into her phone. She knew her parents had flown off to Dublin last night and she planned to use all the freedom she was receiving. She dragged Katy to the mall with her and made her lug all the shopping bags home. Before Dia got past the third neighbourhood, her eyes landed on one of the biggest mansions around. The estate was richly adorned in jewels and gems of all kinds. Even the gates were shining gold and silver. She stepped up to the gate, urging Katy to go to her place and wait there for her. She held her hand up to the gate, it was late evening, the sun close to setting and then...

She saw her.

It was not a hallucination. It couldn't be. She was real. Very real. She blinked a couple of times before holding onto the gate. The woman was exactly as she came in her dreams. She had a beautiful young face, her hair was dark and wavy and on her head was the greek wreath, the crown worn only by royalty-and the Olympians.

"H-HEY!" She yelled loudly, trying to get the woman's attention. "Hey!" Her word dragged on. The lady didn't notice. She only began to walk towards a tree and stepped behind it, away from view. She struggled with the gate when all of a sudden, it flew open and she found herself inside the yard. She couldn't tell if this was trespassing but she had to meet the woman. She hurried over to the tree and looked around.

No one. Again.

Was she going insane? It seemed humanely impossible for this to happen, unless she got up the tree. The thought made Dia laugh but then she noticed a rustling of leaves overhead and became determined. She'd find her. She will. She struggled up the tree, careful not to rip her uniform or cut herself and then, she slipped.

She slipped and found herself on the ground, nearly knocked out. She could hear footsteps as a bunch of people walked towards her. Then, she blacked out.


When she came to, she was inside unfamiliar surroundings, in a classy bedroom. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. The room was elegantly designed, the main colours being gold, red or a deep purple. A flash of cream here and there with the four poster bed and english ebony wood furniture gave her the impression of a palace.

Who ever lived here, was stinking filthy rich.

Must be a very importan-

"What are you doing in my house?!" A sudden shout alerted her and she stared at the young man in the doorway.


Aidon stormed into the room and leaned over her, glaring at her.

"Who let you in?" He asked.

"I-I... I..." Her usual stupor was lost and she stared at him. Just stared. Blank.

"Whatever." He calmed down. "Where do you live?"

"Wh-I don't have to tell you!" She breathed out before she could stop herself.

"I was going to offer one of my chauffeurs to drive you home since you most miraculously only injured an ankle as informed to me by my servants but wow. You are so full of yourself woman I can't even. So get out." He seemed angry and said the words sternly.

"But I..." She had only moments to say those words as he grabbed her by the arm and literally dragged her out. She tried to keep from not making a sound as pressure strained on her ankle. Her eyes started to water as the pain shot out through her body when he finally pushed her out the door and she was left to stand on her own, nearly slipping to the ground. "You're such an-" she began as the tears began to fall and the door slammed shut in her face making her scream louder. "ASSHOLE." She sat down on the front steps as the tears began to fall harder. She could try calling Pierre and took out her phone only to discover she had pretty much broken the thing when she fell from the tree.

What had she been thinking?

She was so stupid.

"Dia?" A voice said to her soothingly. She looked up to see Mr. Phaeton, crouching down in front of her. "Have a cookie." He offered her the treat. "You'll feel better. It's a promise." He muttered. She took the cookie and took a bite. It was as if energy began to course through her veins physically as the sore pain she felt all over began to fade away. "Listen..." Mr. Phaeton sat down beside her. "Aidon... Isn't the kind of person who tolerates bullshit... His own father kicked him out of his house two years ago. He's a very bitter person, you can't blame him he's been through a lot. He doesn't have time for girls, or friends... Or even happiness. It's just not the right time for you to try your luck."

"I... I didn't come here to see him." She said quietly.

"You didn't?" Mr. Phaeton seemed fairly surprised.

"No..." She then let it out. She had never told anybody what she told him next. "I... Dream of this woman... As far as I can remember... Ever since I was little. This woman... I know she's real... I've seen her... And I saw her here." She took a deep breath.

"Seems your attitude has finally buried itself for the better." Mr. Phaeton grinned.

"Shut up."

"Spoke too soon." He groaned as he stood up. "Anyway... I hope you enjoy your cookie." He motioned as she took the last bite. "You can stand up now." He said to her, helping her up. She hadn't expected him to let her go, since it was pretty obvious her ankle was injured due to the bandage around it but he did and she froze.

No pain. At all.

"Told ya the cookie would help." Mr. Phaeton winked, opening the door.

"How..." She didn't get to finish as the door closed shut and she was left alone. Plus... Why hadn't he questioned her about the woman? Was he respecting her privacy or something? She told him on her own, because she wanted to, he should have asked. He didn't find it unusual either...

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