Dia reluctantly followed the teacher and found herself seated among two more students in front of his desk. Phaeton sighed loudly before turning to his students. They all stared back silently.

"I've brought you three here for a reason." He began. "I'm moving you to my Advanced Greek class, where we will be studying ancient Greek."

"What?" The curly haired tanned girl sitting next to Dia frowned. "I am not going to go to some... class to learn ancient Greek." She scowled. Dia frowned at the girl. The girl had freckles tossed over her cheeks and nose and a huge bush of a hair. She had broad shoulders and looked sort of bulky, like a man.

"Shut your trap Ms. Aria West." Phaeton seemed annoyed. "Listen up kid, I don't tolerate shitty students. You and your fellow classmates here already know Greek. Hell, you never even learnt it I'm betting. All of my money, and I do say, I have a lot." He turned to the other student, a frail looking boy who was so pale you could see his blue arteries through his skin. "Mr. Lohel Green, what do you say about this? No objections? Good." He didn't even let the student speak.

Lohel Green? What sort of name is that?! Dia's frown deepened.

"Or you... What about you, Ms. Dia Grand?" Phaeton eyed her. He really didn't take no for an answer did he?

"Can my two friends come along?" She began.

"No. Now, any questions?" He turned back to the other students.

"Hey, wait a minute. I need my friends." She whined.

"They're your friends now." He pointed to Aria and Lohel.

"What?! No! Ew. I need my frien-"

"Sh." He snapped, raising one finger and bringing it really close to her face. "You have no say in this. You and your little speaking ability does not work on me Dia and let me tell you, you might have one of the most powerful manipulation ability but I'm one of the few who are not affected by it. And what did you think, that we'd just fall to our knees and grovel in front of you at your feet because of your pretty little face, you're too high up on the pedestal so calm the fuck down and sit your ass on the ground where it belongs. You're not some goddamn princess and I bet your mother will grant me for teaching you your place."

"My mother?! My mother will break you into pieces, sue you till you're broke and toss you onto the-" Dia began to protest.

"By Gods, shut. The fuck up!" He begged, raising his hands in the air. Dia froze and looked at the man. By now she should have gotten what she wanted. But for the first time...

She didn't.

"All three of you will be attending advanced Greek or I will cut you down with my own bare hands, and believe me, when you provoke me, I'm not nice." He glared at the three before producing a silver tray from his table. "Would anyone like a cookie?"


Dia walked out of the class, fuming. The other girl, Aria had it worse. She came out and kicked a locker so hard with her foot, the door dented. Dia turned and stared in shock. What. The. Actual. FUCK?!

Aria turned to her and scowled. "What are you looking at princess?" She mocked.

"I-I..." Dia stopped when Lohel walked out. "Hey, you." She called. Lohel noticed and turned to face her. "Why didn't you protest?" She started to blame the change of class on the boy.

"I-I... I didn't mean-" Lohel began.

"Why's your name Lohel anyway like what does that even mean?" Her mean side took over.

"Stop messing with the kid bitch." Aria stepped up beside Lohel. "And you," she turned to the boy. "Stop being such a wimp."

"I-I'm sorry I just..." He trailed off. Silence passed between the three now standing in the empty hallway.

"What happened with you in his class that was so significant that he's change you to advanced?" Aria asked Dia.

"I... Read the greek he wrote on the board..." She muttered, still very much confused about it. Aria turned to Lohel expectantly.

"He saw one of my notebooks. He took it from me a-and examined one o-of my healing concoction recipes. He then asked me how I knew it and I answered. He... He then told me I had conversed with him in fluent Greek." Lohel was timid. Dia scrunched up her nose, looking down at him. The attitude that Phaeton has buried for a few moments was definitely coming back.

"What about you?" Dia questioned Aria, who seemed bored and no longer angered or in the mood to be violent.

"I somehow just answered some of his lame ass word questions." Aria shrugged. Dia's phone rang and she answered it immediately.

"Where are you?" Her mother asked.

"Mummy! I've been changed to a class without Meg or Katy!" Dia began. "Can you believe it?!"

"It's just one class Dia." Her mother seemed annoyed. "Stop being such a child."

"Mother. You shall agree with me on this. It's advanced Greek where I have to study ancient Greek! Like, I never even gave a rat's ass what Greek was but I can read it, according to the teacher. He's changing my class!" Her mother stayed silent. "Mummy?"

"Listen to Mr. Phaeton dear." Her mother said simply before hanging up.

"Wha-mummy?!" She nearly shrieked trying to walk towards the gate. She groaned before trying to redial her mother but then froze. How did she know Mr. Phaeton's name... Or better yet... She walked a little bit, thinking.

The realization hit her like a ton of bricks and she halted immediately in her tracks.

"Hey," she turned to the two people behind her. They stopped and eyed her curiously.

"What do you want?" Aria frowned at her in annoyance.

"Hey, don't think you're too special just because I'm socialising with you... Peasants..."

"Stop flattering yourself and get to the point." Aria shot back.

"Did Mr. Phaeton ask any of you your names?" Dia asked. At first, Aria and Lohel seemed confused before they glanced at each other and shook their heads. "Yeah... He never asked me either..."

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