"We forgot to add that we're flying to Dublin tonight. I've got a shoot to do and your mother has a... Funeral to attend... Will that be alright with you? You won't be lonely here?" Her father began. They were eating dinner as Dia struggled to think of a plan to get Aidon.

"Of course daddy. I'll be fine... As long as you come back." She laughed, making her parents laugh with her. Silence passed and she shoved a mouthful of peas with her fork into her mouth and chewed slowly. "Daddy?" She began right after she had swallowed. Her father looked up from his plate and raised an eyebrow, his left cheek popping out from the food he was trying to chew. "I... I was wondering if I could... Have a book... Written in Greek?"

"Written in greek? Why?" Her father nearly spat his food out. The light atmosphere that surrounded them only a while ago disappeared. He gave his wife a look of concern and she sadly nodded. "Well... I might have some books in my library."

"Really?" Her face lit up in excitement. Her parents looked at her deeply, which she hadn't noticed.

"I'll have Emma drop the books in your room." He said quietly. Silence passed when a question popped into her head.

"Why do you have them?"

"I collect, remember?" He pointed his fork at her, trying to smile. It only came out weakly.

"Well daddy, have you ever tried reading Greek?" She pointed her own fork, a mischievous glint in her eye. Her father laughed.

"No, I've... Never been one for Greek." He sighed.

"Because I can." She announced happily, as if it was an achievement. Her father stood up before taking a deep breath, closing his eyes. He walked over to his daughter quietly and pulled her into a warm embrace.

"We love you Dia..." He whispered onto her fruit scented nicely kept hair. "We know..." Please don't leave us...


The weekend rolled by and Dia found herself at school on Monday. She read the books her father gave often. Knowledge was power, after all. She sat in the lunch room, scanning the place for her well known target. She spotted him in the same outfit as the other day and stared at him, her subconscious gawking inside her.

Why was he so beautiful?

His lashes were long and thick and he had an aura of pure languidness that she couldn't ignore. Was this how other people felt about her?

"Dia? Snap out of it." Meg waved her hand in front of Dia, causing her to get back to attention. "You're losing your sass."

"Who are you eyeing anyway?" Katy asked curiously.

"No one." She muttered quickly before going back to her food. "Can you not question me? Like, who gave you the right?" She seemed annoyed now as she bit on her food carelessly. She was dying to go over and talk to him, hear his voice, see his face. He was the very epitome of handsome.

"Dia?!" Meg nearly shieked.

"Shut up." Dia calmly rolled her eyes before letting them wander over to him. He was carelessly eating an apple and damn did he look hot. A familiar figure walked towards him and bent over the table he was occupying to catch his attention, which he didn't give.

It was Jenna.

They conversed for a good 5 seconds before she stood back up and rolled her eyes.

"Who... Is that guy?" Dia turned to see Meg mentally fawning over Aidon, letting her eyes savour him hungrily. Katy did the same.

"I don't know but he's the yummiest thing I've seen around here." Katy sighed.

"Shut up." Dia scoffed. "Something as beautiful as him belongs with me."

"Ask him out then." Meg challenged. Dia blushed. "What?" Meg was confused. Then, after a quick few moments, she gasped. "Are you actually shy?!" She breathed.

"Bitch please. Me? Shy?" Dia smirked. "Never in a million years. Besides, I already asked him."

"And?" Katy asked, slightly hoping she hadn't but if she had, she knew it was confirmed.

"He said no." She answered calmly. So calmly that neither of her friends sensed the true hidden feeling in their friend's heart. Her 'not-care' attitude really was well practiced. So was her lying. Words were her fort.

Words that didn't affect him one bit.

How could she make him hers if her only weapon against him had failed?


"Hello Aidon." She greeted him in Greek as she slipped in between him and his locker.

"What do you want?" He groaned quietly.

"Just some help with Greek." She smiled. He only turned away.

"You're already fluent enough what more do you want?" He began to fumble around his locker, completely ignoring her presence as he pressed his body right against hers to gain access to his books behind her. People watching could have sworn it looked like she was giving him a hickey. Which, of course she wasn't. His scent completely overpowered her. He smelled of rich vanilla and some fruit. Whatever it was, it was divine.

"You." She muttered under her breath.

"All of you women are the same." He groaned, releasing her.

"What do you mean? And excuse me, I'm not just any woman, I am 'the' woman."

"That... I know." He shrugged her off carelessly. "I've met girls like you before. You might assume you're attracting me," He gave her a look over his shoulder before he walked away. "But all you're doing is behaving like your mother. A slut."

"What did you say?" Her breath caught in her throat. What did he even mean? She speed walked over to him and pushed him across the chest with her slender fingers. "What do you even know about my mother?" She stared up at him darkly, flaring hotly. He stared at her in silence for quite a while.

"Definitely more than you know." He stared right into her eyes, causing her to almost black out for a full second. When she came to, he was walking away, too far to reach on her heels. What had just happened? His eyes...

She could have sworn turned darker than black that moment.

Darker... Than black.

She ignored it and gained back her sass before walking out the gates. She effortlessly strode across the grass and got into the car which drove off towards her house. Seriously, he couldn't possibly have meant what he said.

Did he?

Did her mother ever behave like a slut?


Diane Grand had one of the most cleanest and loyal reputations around. She couldn't have possibly ever-

"Ms. Grand?" The chauffeur repeated. She snapped back to attention and walked out of her car and up the steps into the mansion. She flipped her head to a side, making her hair fall neatly on her left.

Cheerleading practice next morning.

Oh this would be good...

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