Chapter 32

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“are you sure about this?” she asked, tearing herself away from my lips for the briefest of moments before returning.

“it’s the only way” I replied between her quick succession of kisses. I didn’t really want to have another conversation about going public with our relationship so my tone was perhaps a little more sharp than I would have intended.

“no, not that” she replied, bringing her head level with mine. “I mean…this” she said, signalling the both of us with her hand.

I laughed a little bit before pulling her roughly in to me. I didn’t really need to answer her question as she climbed over my legs so that she was straddling them. I felt my back press up hard against the rough bark of the tree as she leant her body in to mine.

This wasn’t the sort of thing I would normally do, in fact I was already beginning to worry that somebody might see us, although technically we had no neighbours overlooking our garden and the only way visitors could get in was through our security gates.

I closed my eyes and let my hands fall by my sides on to the grass as I felt Cheryl’s hand wondering up my vest top whilst the other one grabbed at my waist.

The next thing I felt was one of Cheryl’s hands cupping my face gently. “look at me” she said to me, just loud enough for me to hear her.

I opened my eyes which instantly met hers. She stared at me with her beautiful chocolate eyes, the intensity making me want to look away. I didn’t though, just as something within me wanted to look away, something else was compelling me to keep looking at her. She smiled at me when she knew she had my complete attention and sat back on my thighs.

I could see the desire burning in her eyes as she laughed softly to herself leaning back a little so that I could see the length of her torso. My eyes fell instantly to her breasts which were covered teasingly by a tight white t shirt.

“do you like what you see baby” she said to me in a deep, sexy voice as she ran her hands slowly down her own body. I dragged my eyes up and back to her face before nodding my approval. I didn’t need to speak though, in fact, I think if I had tried, it would probably just come out jibberish anyway.

She wasted no time in taking her top off, drawing out the process for my benefit. I reached out and pulled her back in to me by her waist, suddenly feeling the need for some contact with her.

All I really wanted her to do was f*** me. But I knew she was having far too much fun teasing me to give in to what I wanted just yet. I let my hands run up the soft, smooth skin of her back before undoing the clasp on her bra.

She inhaled deeply at the feel of my hands massaging her breasts before she let her own hands find there way back up my top. She leant in and kissed me hard on my lips, letting her long hair brush against my face.

“Cheryl” I sighed, not really wanting anything other than to hear her name. She dropped one of her hands to the button on my jeans and opened them.

I lifted myself up off the ground a little bit so that she could pull them down. There was something so familiar in her touch, yet something so new at the same time.

She let her fingers crawl up the outside of my bare thigh until she came to my underwear. I let a small moan escape from my lips at the feel of her touch so close to where I really wanted her to touch me.

She giggled, liking what she heard. I looked in to her eyes for just a second which seemed to be consumed with lust.

Not being able to take the feelings much longer I grabbed one of her wrists and directed it between my legs, indicating to her what I really wanted. I needed her to touch me.

She laughed in that sexy way that only Cheryl could before grabbing both of my wrists in her hands and forcing them above my head where they landed roughly against the trunk of the tree.

I didn’t have time to react before she buried her head in to my neck and bit me lightly before using her tongue to lick a pathway up to my ear. I let out another moan, louder this time, my whole body feeling the need for some attention from her.

She moved her hands from my wrist and back down to my waist where she played teasingly with the band of my underwear.


I gasped loudly as I felt her fingers slipping underneath my underwear and closed my eyes, concentrating on the feeling of her being inside me. “look at me” she whispered, forcing me to open my eyes.

I looked at her again, transfixed on her face as she quickened her pace. Her face was so close to mine that I could see every emotion in her large, sexy eyes. I brought my hands up to her face, letting them tangle in her hair as we found our own rhythm together.

And I knew...looking in to her eyes, from that one moment, that for better or worse, she would be mine forever.

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