Chapter 51

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Fifty - One

I watched her from across the room as the disco lights bounced around her face, showing me the true level of her beauty. Nicola was chatting away to me about something, but Cheryl was commanding all of my attention without even knowing it.

She filled up her plastic cup with some punch and started talking to Hilary, who was also at the party. I had to admit, I probably knew about a quarter of the people hear on a personal level, some others professionally, and some I had never met in my life. Cheryl seemed to either know, or at least pretend to know most of the people in the room as she mingled, chatting in depth to the people she liked, and making polite conversation with everyone else.

Nadine had taken to the area of the room that had been designated the dance floor, pulling up a few people on her way so that she wasn’t dancing alone. I looked at her briefly, wondering if she was drunk or weather she meant to dance like that, but again, my gaze was pulled back towards Cheryl.

She walked over to Tommy who was the resident DJ for the night and whispered something in his ear, probably a song request as I knew she hated the one that was playing. I wasn’t the only one with my eyes on Cheryl that night. In fact, I never would be, whatever room Cheryl was in, was usually filled with male admirers watching her every move, and I had to laugh to myself at the effects she was having on some of the younger lads at the party.

She put her cup down on the table and turned, heading my way. God knows why but I looked away, the way you do when you catch someone’s eye in the street and you don’t want them to think you are staring.

She stood directly in front of me, forcing me to look up at her, the changing neon lights changing the perception of her face every few seconds.

Nicola muttered something about me not listening to her and went over to join Nadine on the dance floor. Cheryl watched her go before taking her seat which was next to mine.

“do you like it?” she said, still looking at Nicola and Nadine on the dance floor, making somewhat of an embarrassment of themselves.

“I think I owe you an apology for before about the phone c…” she cut me off by raising her index finger to my lips lightly, indicating to me that it wasn’t necessary. The whole of the room fell away and disappeared as she sketched the outline of my lips with her fingernail slowly, all the while her eyes were boring in to me.

“dance with me” she said, almost in a whisper, dropping her hand from my face. She got up without waiting for my response and held her hand out. I took it and let her walk me over to the dance floor.

I began to wish I wasn’t wearing white because it started to do that thing that normally happens in clubs and started to become a bit aluminous. I could feel people’s eyes on us as we made our way to the dance floor. Cheryl lifted her hand up and waved to Tommy who nodded to her before changing the music to a slow song.

People moved around on the dance floor to give us room, after all it was our party. There was only a few other people on the floor by now, the slow song chasing most of them off.

Cheryl rested one hand on my waist and the other on the small of my back, just above my a*** before pulling me in towards her so there was no room separating us. I felt her breasts brush up against mine which sent a little wave of pleasure down the length of my body.

The smell of her perfume and shampoo filled my nose as I rested my head lightly on her shoulders and let myself sway with the music.

“am I the luckiest girl in the world?” I asked her, looking up in to her dark chocolate eyes.

She smiled down to me, meeting my gave before shaking her head lightly. “no…I am” she replied quietly before dropping her hand further until it was resting on my a***. I put my hands around her waist and we danced together slowly, as if it was just us in the whole room.

“you look amazing tonight” she said to me, in my ear as she ran her hands down the back of my skin tight dress until she reached my thighs. I smiled and felt my self blush a little bit at her compliment.

The music ended and went back to a more edgy beat. “do you think anyone would miss us if we left?” she asked, shouting above the music so that I could hear her.

“I would” Nadine shouted back from behind Cheryl, much to both of our embarrassment. She let her hand fall down my back and land on my a*** before giving I t a firm squeeze, before leaving me to dance with Nadine on the dance floor.

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