Chapter 41

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Forty - One

I felt her arms around my wrist as she pushed me back gently against the wall. The warm water hit her t shirt, causing the fabric to cling to her curves.

Our lips brushed together lightly before she leant in and kissed me passionately, letting her tongue find its way in to my mouth.

She put one hand by my head on the wall that I was leaning on and used her other hand to pull my leg up to her waist. I felt a little bit unsteady and put my arms around her waist to secure myself.

There was a certain amount of familiarity in the feeling of her body pressed against mine, I felt safe, and needed. She bit hard on my bottom lip which made me moan a little bit. She like to be in control in everything she did, sex was no different for Cheryl. But it was only me who got to see her vulnerable side too.

The water splashed against her hair, making it stick to her face as she let her hands roam down my leg. She moved herself even closer in to me so that we were moulded together, so close that I could feel the harshness of the wet fabric of her t shirt against my bare skin.

I want you so much” she breathed in to my ear as she left little kisses down my neck.

I removed my hands from around her waist and pulled her face in towards mine, feeling the need to kiss her. She dug her fingernails in to the flesh of my leg that she was still holding to her waist as I intensified the kiss.


I gasped and moaned to myself as I felt her tongue flicking over one of my nipples.

She looked up at me and laughed teasingly as she bit it hard, forcing a louder moan out of me.

Kimberley” she sighed as she let her tongue find its own track down my stomach. She manoeuvred herself to her knees cautiously, being careful not to slip as the water sprayed on to her head.

I opened my legs a little bit and felt her holding my ankles to support herself a bit whilst she got comfortable.

She looked up at me and smiled, our eyes connecting for a brief second before her smile turned in to a teasing grin.

I closed my eyes and lent my head against the wet wall as I felt her tongue leaving a trail up the inside of one of my legs. She let her hands come to rest on my a***, digging her nails in harshly to elicit a moan from me.

I let my hands fall down and rest on her head, intertwining my fingers in her long wet hair. I inhale deeply as I felt her tongue inside me and suddenly, nothing else mattered to me in the world apart from this moment, and her.


Surprisingly Nadine was the first to arrive to our hastily arranged get together. Cheryl let her in and took the bottle of red wine she had brought in to the kitchen. She gave me a quick hug before sitting down on one of our sofa’s in the living room.

“how are you?” she asked me, her voice full of concern.

“I’m fine” I answered with a genuine smile.

“oh my god…you’ve had sex” she laughed and held her hand to her chest in mock shock.

“hey” I heard Cheryl shout from the kitchen, as she had obviously heard Nadine.

I laughed with her but secretly hoped that I wasn’t blushing. It still felt a bit weird to me, hearing the girls talk about me and Cheryl as if it was no big deal.

“so what’s all this about then?” she asked me quizzically when she realised she wasn’t getting an answer to her last question.

“can’t we just invite you round for a drink without there being an ulterior motive” I asked her? Although of course, she was right and there really was an ulterior motive.

I knew Nadine would be the one who would worry most about me and Cheryl going public and how it might affect us as a band, and a part of me wanted to tell her now because, of all the girls, not including Cheryl, Nadine was the one I had the closest bond with. But we had both decided to tell them all at once, and so I knew I would have to bite my tongue.

There was a knock at the door which Cheryl answered. I could already hear Sarah’s voice from the hallway before I even clapped eyes on her.

It wasn’t long until Nicola had joined us and we all sat around in the living room, like old times. Sometimes I missed this, just having time with the 3 of them, it was so difficult these days with Nadine living in LA and Nicola and Sarah busy with their boyfriends.

Cheryl came in from the kitchen with a tray of drinks, and although it was only 5 in the afternoon, we decided it was probably best to blow off a bit of steam. We had the tour to get back to tomorrow evening, but I had been assigned the duty of making sure everyone got back to their houses sober….or at least hide the vodka from Sarah.

She put the tray on the table and came over to the couch I was sitting on and sat next to me, putting her arm around me.

“so go on then” Nicola started once she had reached for her drink. “make your big announcement” she laughed, much to Nadine and Sarah’s amusement.

Cheryl looked at me before rolling her eyes to the ceiling. I gestured with my eyes that I wanted her to tell them. She didn’t look to happy about it but conceded anyway.

“were going public tomorrow” she said matter of factly, to the three stunned faces looking back at her.

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