Part 2

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I picked up my key and unlocked the door to my room. A giant mess was it in my room, clothes everywhere, bed was unmade, my games laid around on the floor and some snacks too.

I get to wash my clothes on weekend since most of students go for trips on weekends so I get to wash my clothes alone.

I turned on my tv and pulled in a game in my PS3 and sat down on the floor. I played Heavy Rain, again. I don't know why I like it so much, it doesn't really mean a lot for me but I still enjoy to play it.
But now it was quiet impossible because my thoughts was on today class Philosophy.


"Okay students!" said Mr. Johnson. "I want this half of class to sit in a group and the other half of the class to sit in a group."

Yes, I get to be with Marzia, was my first thought but I didn't show a single sign that I was excited or happy.
Everyone took their chairs and pushed away the tables so we could be in a circle. I took my chair and sat me down in the circle. One chair appeared on my right side and it was Ken, a man that is loved by everyone and he can make everyone laugh. Not me though, I kind of never laugh.
But Ken and I went to the same high school too, the only different from there to here is that Ken have a lot of friends and he has beard. How could he grow so much beard on this short time? Like I have only a tiny mustasch and small chin beard but that's it! Okay I have some few hair straw on my cheeks but I can never compeer that to Ken's beard.

On my left side Marzia sat down. My heart made one extra beat and I looked down on the floor like nothing had happen.
"Today we're going to discuss about happiness," said Mr. Johnson and his beer belly was hanging over his light brown pants. "you have to discuss what make you the happiest and why it makes you happy. And discuss about it in your group."

Great, the only thing that makes me happy is my games and now the others get to know it? I can lie but what would I lie about? That my family makes me happy?
"Okay," said Jessica that was in my group, we're 7 students in this small circle. "I can start first."
Great, Jessica, a rich kid just like Ryan but Jessica is a total bitch. She goes in Marzia's class and she also takes photos. But mostly selfies.

I heard a sigh and looked to left and Marzia had laid her leg over the other leg. I wonder what makes Marzia happy, will she say her family? Her best friend? Light colours? Okay the most logic thing she will say is taking photos.
"The happiness for me is seeing everyone else happy," said Jessica, I looked around in the group. There was only two who was smiling. If you don't include Jessica then there was just one who was smiling and that was Sophia.

"When someone else is happy it's a sign for me that something good have happen to them. They either got great news, or maybe they just talked to someone who makes them happy. It's so nice to see other peoples happiness because something good had happen."

"Maybe they are psycho that had just kill someone," said Ken and I heard Marzia giggled along with the others. "maybe they are like 'oh I'm so happy that no one notice I just murdered someone' and then Jessica comes there like 'wow, something good have happen! I'm so glad that they are happy!'"

I gave a quiet snort and smiled down to the floor while the other laughed at Ken's joke. He had make a brittish accent on the "psycho" and a really girly/bitchy voice on Jessica. Of course Jessica didn't like the joke at all.
"Everyone isn't a psycho like you," she snapped.
"I've never said I was a psycho," said Ken and held up his arms. "I was just thinking we maybe is passing someone on the street that is smiling but is actually a psycho without we even knowing."

"Shut up Ken," said Jessica. "it's not like everyone in here is a psycho and those who we pass on the street isn't always a psycho."
"But maybe a bully."

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